Chapter 7

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Diana's POV

I knew that Paris was up to something, I wasn't sure if the priestess was smart enough to be in on it or not though. I mean back at the camp she would only come up with a few one step plans like oh I don't know trying to drown me in the ocean. I didn't know what was going on here but I knew it wasn't good. Just as Paris said though I was taken to classes to be taught how to be a proper Trojan lady. Ha! Proper my ass. I already knew everything they were attempting to teach me I just chose to ignore it.

Finally after what seemed to be all day of nothing but people telling what to do, how to dress, how to act, what to say I was allowed to walk about the garden or read. Well I will show them that I can multi task as well. I take the book the so called teacher gives me and starts walking to the gardens. Once there I open the book and see it's written in language that I have no idea how to read. Great now here comes all the years of acting in High School. I sit down on a bench in the garden to act as if I am making an attempt at becoming a proper lady. I really just want to roll my eyes.

"I take it the tutor gave you homework?" I hear Meg's voice ask me.

I look up and see Meg dressed in similar clothes to my own. In a rush I stand and run over to her holding her in a tight hug. I was so afraid something had happened to her or that I would never see her again thanks to Prince pain in the butt.

"Meg, what happened? I thought Paris said you were going to be sold to someone." I tell her as I pull away and look at her.

"She was, however being the Prince you are allowed to break a few rules." I hear Hectors voice from behind me.

I turn around and see Hector looking our way. This was new to me, I didn't understand why he would get Meg out for me? I mean he was a prince I am sure he had other things to worry about than my sister.

"You saved her? For me?" I ask him not knowing what else to say.

"I saw the way you and her acted out by the ocean. I knew you had to be sisters and I was not willing to let one sister be separated from the other." Hector says as he walks up to us.

"Thank you so much Prince Hector, I do not know how I could ever repay you." I say as I watch him move closer.

"It seems one of us are usually in the others debt doesn't it?" he says with a small chuckle. "Think nothing of it, I am glad Meg is safe with you now. If Paris asks any questions tell him to come to me."

I just nod at him, still I couldn't believe he actually saved Meg. I owed him yet again. I didn't know how to pay him back now except for keep him alive. Hector barely smiles as he walks past us.

"Wow, now I see why you don't want him to die. He's hot." Meg says with a giggle as she watches him walk away.

"Meg its not like that." I tell her as I turn back to her.

"Di chill out, I can see a little of what is going on with your emotions but I don't want to even imagine what is going on up there." Meg says pointing to my head.

"He's gonna die Meg remember? There is probably no way to change that." I tell her as she grabs me by my arms.

"Says who? I think we have changed a few fates so far? Why not go for the big time goal?" she asks me with a clever smile on her face.

"I fear when you make that face usually you have an impossible plan in mind." I say as she just nods at me.

"I'm coming up with one as we speak. Now where is the one Orlando Bloom played?" Meg asks me.

"Oh right Paris? I don't know probably off with Helen somewhere." I tell her with a shrug.

"Someone say my name?" I hear Paris voice.

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