Chapter 17

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Diana's POV

I felt weightless. That was a new feeling but the last thing I remember was looking at a tall handsome blonde man and another man he was equally as handsome with curly brown hair. Was it all just a dream or what had happened? Just then I could hear a beeping sound in my room. Odd that sounded like a heart monitor. Opening my eyes I looked around to see that I was in a hospital room. Hospital? When did I get here? Just as I finish that thought the door opens and a nurse walks up to me.

"Ah finally you are awake. I will inform your doctor at once." the nurse tells me with a smile as she practically runs out of the room.

Was it just me or did my nurse have an accent? Either way I just continued to look around the room. It was nice and boring all at the same time. Then again what did you expect from a hospital room? This was a place to heal not some fancy hotel. Surprising me there was a knock at the door and looking over I see a man walk in and clearly I can tell that he is my doctor. I can't get a good look at his face since his paper work is blocking it from my view.

"Well glad to see you have finally awoken from your slumber sleeping beauty." the man tells me as he and the nurse walk forward to my bed.

Wait did he just refer to me as sleeping beauty?

"Nurse I think I should talk to her alone." the doctor tells the nurse who nods and walks out of the room closing the door behind her.

The doctor finally puts the paper work down on my meal table but still he won't look up to let me see his face. This was starting to scare me and I really wanted to yell for help right about now but something stopped me.

"Do you have any idea how long it took me to find you?" the doctor asks me as he sighs.

"I'm sorry? Do we know each other?" I question the doctor who I can hear chuckle now.

"Oh Diana, still trying to always answer my questions with your own." the man says as he looks up at me.

"Achilles?" my mouth asks on it own accord as the man before me looks like a carbon copy of the blonde man in my dream. "I don't understand, I thought it was all just a dream?"

Achilles smiles as he walks up to my side and sits down on the side of my bed. Carefully and slowly he puts his hand on my cheek. His touch is so familiar and warm that I don't reject it but instead accept it with a full heart. I lean into his touch.

"No dream, not anymore I have traveled thousands of years to be with you. I don't intend to let you go ever again." he tells me as he leans in and kisses me.

With that one kiss all my memories of my so called dream come flooding back. The Trojan War, Helen of Troy, Paris...Hector. Then I remember Meg and quickly pull away from our kiss and look him right in the eyes.

"What about Meg?" I question him quickly.

"No need to worry, she stayed in the past to be with Patroclus. They then had four children and lived to a very old age. She did want me to pass on a message though. Never forget about her." Achilles tells me and I can't help but nod.

I knew that Meg would be happy with Patroclus but I wished him all the luck in the world with trying to keep her calm. Ha I was barely able to do that and I was like her sister. Still it was sad that I wouldn't see her again in this time. Sighing I feel Achilles take my hand in his and give it a small kiss.

"So my mermaid, what will we do in this lifetime? For I have many stories to tell you of the past but I cannot wait to see the future." he tells me and my heart melts.

"Please tell me about the past as we write the future." I tell him as I sit up in the bed and look at him.

After hearing about my funeral which to be honest scared the heck out of me Achilles then explained to me that Hector did marry for love just like I had wanted him to. Turns out the woman looked somewhat close to me. Ever scarier if you ask me but oh well. Meg and Patroclus went on to have four children and a very bright future. Helen was killed which honestly didn't shock me.

"You were still known as the mermaid at camp though." Achilles tells me with a laugh.

"That really stuck? Wow they took that joke pretty serious." I say with a sigh as the nurse walks back in with more papers in her hand, Achilles took them and the nurse then left. "What are those?"

"Discharge papers, by the way the name isn't Achilles anymore it's Raymond but you can call me Ray. Then again you could always call me Dr. Hollas too." he told me with a wink.

Who in their right mind would give him a PHD? I had no clue but I was happy to be in my own time with him. Yes Meg wasn't here but I knew that she was happy and that was all that mattered. Achilles I mean Ray filled out the paper work with a smile and once he finished he looked over to me.

"Ready to get out of here?" he asks me with a grin.

Nodding I stand up and go into the bathroom where my clothes are in a bag waiting for me. Opening the bag I put on my normal clothes and start to wonder how they got here in the first place. Walking back out I see Achilles hand the papers back to the nurse who smiles and waves goodbye to me.

"Ready to show me your time? Also perhaps explain to me why you never told me you were from the future?" he questions.

Oh right, I never did tell him that did I?

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