Chapter 25

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Meg and I stood still, completely in shock of what Achilles just said. I had told him the truth, anyone from my time knew how he died and how the Achilles tendon got its name. No matter what time period I was in it really made me angry to know that he knew he was going to fight to the death even though he knew there was a way to prevent it.

"Why do I get the feeling you aren't going to let this go?" Meg questions me.

Looking back to her I give her a half smile.

"I knew it, looks like we will have to do a little ass kicking of our own." Meg replied with a clever smile.

One thing girls from the future like us hated was being told what to do. That included to run away from a battle simply because we were women. Hiding behind a corner we both waited until a soldier on either side we didn't care witch came around the corner. Within just a few minutes they came and we knocked them out with some heavy vases. Taking their weapons we both looked at one another.

"Meg, your my best friend and sister but I know you need to go and look out for Patroclus; we don't know what fate has in store for him and I would hate to see him dead." I tell her quickly.

"Well good luck with your love square but something tells me that you will use that to your advantage." Meg smiles as she hugs me. "Maybe time to pull the trickiest card you know, depending on which one you can use it on."

I knew what she was telling me and if I had to then I would use it. It would be a really shallow move and a complete lie but if it saved a life I was more than willing to do it. Embracing Meg one last time I watched as she took off into the crowd and I sent out a silent prayer for her safety. Maybe this would for once go a good way...I hope. Running through the soldiers most of which ignored me; I tried to make my way to Achilles or Hector and Paris. After all I know that Achilles would want to kill Hector now knowing that he wouldn't have to stand by the deal he made with me when I died.

Just as I went to turn a corner though someone grabbed a handful of my hair and pushed me to the ground as hard as they could. Turning around I was surprised to see Helen standing there in a long white dress and a dagger in her hand. This is just my luck...she wants to kill me. Standing back up I quickly try to run seeing as she knocked my weapon away but this makes her grab my hair again and pull me into her arms; I see her bringing the dagger before my face and I scream as loud as I can. Hitting a note I have only heard opera singers hit before. I didn't want to die! I needed to save Achilles and Hector! I try to escape her by throwing my body in every which way but it doesn't work she's stronger than I thought.

"Helen?" a voice calls out from the right and Helen turns us to face that way and there stands Paris. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to take revenge; if it weren't for this woman we would still be happy and together." Helen says as the dagger gets closer to my neck.

"No; it's not Diana's fault. I saw you with the other men of the palace in fact I think Hector is the only one that did not bed you. I need a woman who will become my loyal wife that I don't have to spy on to make sure that she is loyal." Paris said and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

If he wanted someone who was loyal then number one find someone that isn't married! That would make the most common sense. Helen didn't seem to like his reply as she released my hair but grabbed my neck and held me out toward Paris.

"This is who you chose? A whore that has already slept with your brother and Achilles?! What kind of a fool do you take me for?!" Helen said as he grip tightens on my neck.

Looking around I actually pray to see any other warriors from Troy to come and help Paris as well as myself get away from Helen. Instead my eyes widen as I see Hector walking by with an army behind him. Hector is on the upper level though and doesn't seem to see the drama on my level. Sighing I look back to Paris because it looks like he is my only chance at freedom.

"Helen, killing Diana would do you no good. She is to marry Hector and killing the future queen of Troy would just send you to your own death." Paris says as he slowly walks forward.

What? I don't remember being proposed to by Hector...or Achilles or anyone for that matter. This had to be a lie he was telling her to try and trick her into letting me go. The only question was would this work or would I end up dead...again. Paris kept his eyes focused on Helen but I could see he was holding a small dagger under his cloak or cape whatever you wanted to call it. Did that mean if Helen didn't release me that he was willing to kill her in order to get me away from Helen? Just a few seconds later Helen pushed me to the ground and let out a scream as she went to try and stab Paris. Instead of stabbing him though they bother started to fight one another.

"I'll kill you! Self fish prince then I will kill your whore so you can be together for all eternity!" Helen screams at Paris as loud as she can.

This somehow catches him off guard and his dagger is knocked out of his reach. Helen takes the advantage and trips him. Paris falls to the ground as Helen gets right on top of him and readies her dagger to plunge it into his heat. Blood does fall but not Paris's blood. Paris looked up to me as I now stood behind Helen and it was in fact her blood that was running because I had grabbed Paris dagger and stabbed her right in the back through her heart. Releasing the dagger I stagger backwards realizing what I had just done. I had just killed Helen of Troy.

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