The Only Girl in the Band...[Part 13]

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"So he asked you out on a date-date?" Mae asked me as I rummaged through all my clothes.

"Yeah. He's taking me to dinner on the Sunset strip," I replied. I pulled out a pair of dressy black jeans.

"No, you are not wearing jeans on your first real date since high school," Mae said, getting up and yanking the jeans from my hands. "I'm picking out your outfit. You looked totally hot the day I picked your birthday outfit for you. I was meant to do this," she said.

"I'm not letting you dress me," I said, trying to push her out of the way. She was stronger than me so she stayed put. Instead she shoved me onto the bed and examined my closet. "Nothing too dressy!" I cried as she pulled out a fancy white dress that I had worn once in my life.

"Hush your face," she snapped. "What about this?" she asked, pulling out a plain black, strapless dress that had lacing on the sides. I pursed my lips. "We're going with this," she said. "It'll look super cute with your short hair," she added. I sighed, knowing it was useless trying to argue with her.

"Fine. I have to go to practice. Pull out some accessories for me," I said, getting up. I grabbed a blue hoodie and threw it on and walked out the door.


"So now I'm breakin' out. I'm throwin' it all away!" I sang.

Ian and I were sitting at a table in the corner, writing the lyrics to a new song we were working on. I was trying to put a beat to it.

"So then the chorus is, 'I never should have given you up--pause--Now I think I've got to make a move--pause--I never should have give you away--pause--Now it's too complicated--Woah Oh--I'll be se unforgettable--Woah Oh--Make sure I'm unforgettable'," Ian read off. I snickered. "What?" he asked.

"Nothing. It just sounds funny because you read all of that in such a monotone voice," I remarked. He gave me a look.

"Would you stop fooling around?" he asked, throwing one of the balled up pieces of paper at me.

"Hey, how's the song coming along, kids?" Caleb asked, coming over.

"We're almost done!" I announced.

"Awesome. Let me see," he said, pulling over a chair. He looked over it. "It's a two-person song?" he asked. I nodded.

"You and me babyy," I said, nudging him. He shook his head at me.

"You're so weird," he muttered. I punched his arm. "I think a fly just ran into my arm or something," Caleb told Ian, who laughed.

"Hilarious," I said sarcastically.

"So you guys are going out tonight?" Caleb asked, lowering his voice. We nodded, looking down at the papers. "When are you planning on telling Liam and Camron?" he questioned.

"Once we figure out how to tell them," Ian whispered.

"Better do it soon. The longer you wait, the angrier they'll be when they find out," Caleb instructed. We nodded.

"Hey, what are we whispering about over here?" Camron asked, coming up behind us.

"Nothing, we weren't whispering!" I said in a high pitched voice. Ian and Caleb gave me a look.

"We were looking over the lyrics. The new song's almost done," Caleb said, handing Camron the first sheet of music. He scanned the music and then handed it back.

"Sweet. This looks awesome," he said. "Is this one of the songs we're playing at Hilton's party?" he asked.

"I think we should. But Ian thinks it's too new and we won't be able to practice it enough before the party," I answered.

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