The Only Girl in the Band...[Part 17]

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"Hey everyone. Today is Day 1 of the Bamboozle tour," I said, holding a camera up to my face. "We're actually still in Beverly Hills, packing up the big ol' tour bus. Boys are last minute packers, you know," I said, walking out of Caleb's place out to the tour bus. "And here she is! Our guide and companion for the summer; Youtubers, I'd like you to meet Scarlett," I announced, patting our shiny new tour bus. "Say hello, Scarlett," I told the bus. I held the camera to the bus and then put it back on me. "Did you guys hear that? No, of course you didn't. If you did then something must be wrong with you because buses don't talk," I said, grinning cheekily. "Oh look! Here's Liam, holding a fresh new packet of drumsticks!" I said as Liam walked over. I reached up and put and arm around his shoulder. "Say hi, Liam!" I told him.

"Hi, Liam!" he said, smiling into the camera. I shook my head at the corny joke.

"Tell the fans, are you excited to go on this tour?" I asked Liam.

"Hell yeah I am! I'm super stoked," he replied.

"Hear that, Youtubers? Super stoked. As am I. It'll be three months of doing what we love. Which is what? Can you tell us Liam?" I asked.

"Getting drunk, babyy," he said, smirking at the camera. I rolled my eyes at him.

"And by getting drunk he means playing music for the fans," I clarified.

"Right," he said, winking. I shook my head laughing.

"Well, that's all for this video. Stay tuned for some more shenanigans brought to you by the one and only...The Velocity..." I said. And with that, I pressed the record button to strom recording. "Sweet. And I'll just upload this to Youtube..." I said to myself. "Done! First tour video is up!" I announced as the rest of the boys came up to us.

"Aw man! I wanted to be in it," Camron said.

"Next time, buddy," Liam said, patting his shoulder. I smiled at them all.

"This is so exciting! I can't believe we're actually going on tour!" I exclaimed giddily.

"We've been over this. Believe it," Caleb replied.

"First stop is LA. That's going to be a sick show," Ian said. We all turned as Paul walked towards us.

"All packed and ready to go?" he asked. He was wearing a pair of khaki shorts and a black polo and a baseball cap. If people didn't know him any better, they would have thought he was our age, even though he was about 6 years older than all of us.

"Yeah, I think we're all ready," Caleb answered.

"Great. Let's get this show on the road then!" he said.

"Wait! Where's Mae?!" I asked as we all started climbing onto the bus.

"Here! I'm here!" we heard Mae call. She ran towards us, her phone and purse in her hands.

"Where were you?" I asked.

"I was talking to my parents," she replied.

"Ah," I said, nodding. Then I turned. "Now let's go!" I said, hopping onto the tour bus.

"Ooo, this is nice," Mae commented, stepping on board.

"I know, right? It's so clean and shiny," I said giddily.

"Get a good look at it all nice and clean right now, ladies. It won't be like that for long," Paul said, coming up behind us.

"Yeah. All these boys and just us two girls," I said.

"You two can keep it clean. It's what you're supposed to do," Ian said cockily, sitting down on one of the leather seats by the window. Mae and I both hit his arm and he laughed. A bald, burly man wih a goatee walked onto the bus.

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