The Only Girl in the Band...[Part 21]

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I woke up to a pounding headache.

And a pounding door.

I groaned and stretched, my entire body aching all over. I had a splitting headache. I squinted at the fancy hotel digital clock. It was 4 in the afternoon. I groaned. It was late and we were supposed to have been on the road an hour ago.

I stretched again and then realized something; I wasn't wearing any clothes. My eyes widened.

"Wha-" I whispered to myself. I looked to my side, to see Ian stirring awake, too. And then, as if the loud knocking at the door was an initiator, the events of last night poured into my mind. I looked to the ground to see mine and Ian's clothes strewn all over the floor. Ian started next to me, sitting up suddenly.

"What the-?" he began, then glanced at me. "Did we have...?" he trailed off, unable to finish the question. I nodded, not needing him to finish.

"WILL YOU TWO OPEN THE DOOR?!" we heard Mae's voice yell on the other side of the door. With that, Ian reached out and grabbed his pants. He flipped his legs over the side of his bed and pulled them on. I grabbed the sheets around me and ran to the bathroom, picking my clothes up off the ground as I went. Ian pulled his shirt on over his head. As I closed the door to the bathroom, Ian opened the door.

"What the hell took you guys so long?!" I heard Mae snap. I groaned, turning the shower on to drown out Ian's feeble explanation. She would know what happened. Ian had sex hair.


"You have A LOT of explaining to do," Mae hissed at me when we were alone. We were both sitting in the back lounge of the bus. The boys were all in the front of the bus.

"There's nothing to explain..." I muttered weakly.

"You had sex with Ian last night, didn't you?" she asked. I bowed my head, not wanting to look her in the eyes. "Vanessa! Answer me!" she cried.

"Why are you asking if you already know?" I asked, still avoiding looking her in the eyes.

"Why are you so embarassed about it? It wasn't your first time. And you two have been dating for over half a year now," she said. I looked up at her finally and blinked.

"Wait, so you're not going to lecture me?" I questioned, confused.

"Of course not!" she exclaimed, grinning slightly. "I am slightly upset that you would make the bad decision of doing it while you both were intoxicated, but at least you two finally did it!" she said. I couldn't help but smile at her.

"I thought you were going to yell at me for being stupid," I said, breathing a sigh of relief.

"No, I'm happy for you," she said. We fell silent for a moment. "Well..." she prodded.

"Well what?" I asked.

"How was it?!" she cried, a little too loudly. I threw my hand over her mouth as she giggled. I lowered my voice a little.

"It was..." I paused. "It was amazing. Given, I haven't had sex since senior year in high school. But it was still great," I said. She laughed.

"Aww! Look at you. Having grown up sex," she said.

"Let's stop saying that. I don't want anyone else to hear," I mumbled.

"Oh please. I'm sure Ian told at least Caleb," Mae said. "You don't feel sick or anything, do you?" she asked. I shook my head.

"I'm not pregnant. Trust me," I said. She let out a deep breath.

"Ok, good. Because that would be an issue," she said. I nodded.

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