The Only Girl in the Band...[Part 22]

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We were sitting in Paul's office at All Time Records. We were all nervously fidgeting around, waiting to hear the news. It was the morning that our first album was released and we wanted to know how successful we were.

"Almost 1,000 copies of the album have already been sold out! This is great for you guys!" Paul exclaimed.

"Only 1,000?" Ian asked, his face dropping slightly.

"That's really good if you take into account the fact that a lot of the songs were leaked on Youtube," Paul said.

"Freaking people. I hate when people illegally download. Don't they realize how much us artists are struggling?" Cameron muttered.

"You have to also consider that it's only the first day that it's been out," Paul said. I frowned. A thousand copies was nothing compared to our expectations. "I have no doubt that more will sell. We haven't figured the iTunes downloads yet, either. So there's still hope. And besides, you're going to be doing some interviews. The performance on Ellen will help a lot, too. Don't worry just yet, guys," Paul said, trying to comfort our dropping hopes.

"I hope you're right," Ian mumbled.

"Just make sure you guys nail the interviews and performances. Try to be as appealing as possible. I know you guys have that potential," Paul said.

We left the studio feeling a little bummed out.

"I can't believe we only sold a thousand," I sighed.

"Hey, it could have been a lot worse. At least we got into the thousands," Caleb said, trying to cheer us up. My phone buzzed. I took it out.

"It's Alex," I said, holding the phone up to them.

"Answer it!" they exclaimed. I answered it.

"Hey Alex, what's up?" I asked.

"Not much. Just wanted to call you and say that we're listening to the album, and it sounds great. All of us bought a copy," Alex said. I felt a smile creep up on my lips.

"Really? All of you did?" I asked.

"Of course! We took you under our wings. The least we could do was show you some support with your first album," he answered.

"Oh my goodness. You have no idea how much that means to us. Thanks so much," I said.

"Ehh, no problem. Here, Jack wants to talk to you," Alex said. I heard some shuffling as he handed the phone over. The boys looked at me questioningly and I grinned at them.

"V!!! What's up, beautiful?" Jack said. I laughed.

"Hey Jack. How are you?" I asked.

"I'm doing good. Congrats on the new album," he said. I smiled again.

"Thanks! And thanks for buying it!" I replied.

"No problem. It was our pleasure. If you guys ever need anything, you can always call us. We got your back," Jack said.

"For sure. Thanks again," I said.

"No problem. Aight, I'm gonna peace out. Talk to you later," he said.

"Bye!" I said. After I ended the call, I beamed at the boys.

"What were they saying?" Ian asked.

"They were congratulating us on our first album and said they all bought a copy," I answered.

"Sweet. Well we know of four people that bought it," Cameron said.

"Make that five," Mae said, coming up to us. She smiled widely as she fell in step with us, holding up our album, which was still in the plastic packaging. "Just bought one," she said, grinning. I gave her a side hug.

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