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Percy's POV

Annabeth and I are on our way to her place right now to sleepover for a week. Ever since the second giant war, we've been having flashbacks of the Pit, she didn't want to risk having one at her dad's place with him not knowing what to do. Eventually she got him convinced that I should be there, though I don't think she said much about me or the Pit. "We're here," I told her keeping my eyes on the rode.

Once I got the car parked and our suitcases out we made our way to the front door. Annabeth rang the doorbell and we waited as patiently as we could with our ADHD minds. We heard the door unlock and open. "Annabeth, you're here!" said her step-mother. We both knew how much she's changed ever since she ran away.

"Hi Helen, this is my boyfriend, Percy Jackson," she introuced. Helen smiled politely at me.

"I take it we've already met a couple years back young man?" she asked.

"Uhh, yeah we have. Two years ago I think. Nice to see you again," I answered. She told us to come in and that dinner was almost ready. We sat on the couch and she held my hand, I looked her in the eye and smiled.

Annabeth's POV

My moment with Percy was ruined wen we heard thundering footsteps. I turned to the stairs and saw my step-brothers. I smiled warmly at them. The ran straight to me and hugged me. "Annabeth!" they shouted full of delight. They looked at Percy then saw our hands entangled together and sang "Annabeth has a boyfriend" loud enough that my dad ran down the stairs to see.

"Hey Matthew, Bobby. Hey dad," I said giving my dad a hug.

"Hey boys, hello Mr. Chase," Percy said shaking my dad's hand.

"And you are?" asked my dad.

"Percy Jackson sir, Annabeth's boyfriend. I met you a couple years back," he answered and my dad merely nodded. That left us in an awkward silence with Percy looking at anything but my dad and my dad looking at his features as if to look for something wrong with him.

"Dinner everyone," called Helen. I was so thankful for the interruption. Percy and I walked to the dinner table and sat down. We had some mashed potatoes and roast beef.

Once we finished, Bobby went to the freezer and took out the ice cream and Matthew got bowls and spoons. When Percy saw the ice cream, his eyes bulged out of their sockets. "Look Annabeth, it's blue." he grinned and I giggled.

Mr. Chase's POV

When Annabeth introduced me to her "boyfriend", I just studied him. He had messy wind-swept hair and eyes like the sea. He looked like a trouble-maker and I didn't want Annabeth getting influenced by those things. "You kids should get ready for bed, you can stay up till 9 boys, it's a school day tomorrow." I informed them.

"Do you mind if I use your shower tonight?" Percy asked.

"No not at all, be my guest if you two are staying here all week." Helen said.

He got up and went upstairs. "Annabeth, can I talk to you?" I asked her.

She rolled her eyes and turned to me. "It's about Percy isn't? Go ahead, criticize him," she said sarcastically.

"Young lady, don't get sassy with me and you will not roll your eyes at your father. This is what I'm talking about, he is influencing bad behaviour on you," I scolded.

"First of all, Percy is usually a gentleman, if he's not, then he's a goofball."

"He has the look of a trouble-maker."

"He has a sarcastic personality, it's funny."

"Percy will only hold you back, you have so much potential with your brains, what does he have?!" I complained.

"Percy is the bravest and most loyal person I know. He's led two wars and has lost so many friends, he's so strong. His biggest strength is water if that was what you were looking for, he's either faster or as fast as the Olympic athletes," she shot back.

"Honey, I'm just trying to give you some fatherly advice and opinions," I told her.

"Then why don't you be a better father and actually get to know him! We've been through everything together dad, I've known him for 5 years and this is our 2 year dating, not once has he hurt me," she cried running to her room.

       - l a t e r  t h a t  n i g h t -

I woke up to a blood curling scream. Annabeth was my first thought. I ran to her room and was greeted there by Bobby and Matthew and Helen right behind me. I was pushed back by Percy before I could open the door. He pushed it open, almost breaking it,  and ran to my daughter's side. He took her in his arms and sat down on her bed. "It's okay Wise Girl, we're out. We're safe now," he said soothingly and softly. He kept repeating those words until she finally fell into a peaceful sleep.

He got up to go back to the guest room when Helen suggested "You could stay with her if you want." He looked at her thankfully and walked back to her bed.

"Wait Percy." I said and he turned around before reaching the bed. "What did you mean by 'Were out.'? Out of what?"

He looked me straight in the eyes and said one word before going to sleep. "Hell."

He protected my daughter in hell? Maybe I was wrong about Percy Jackson.

Word Count: 949

Yay! Two in one day! You may now applaud. Went shopping today and got two pairs of shoes, some socks and two shirts. One of the shirts said WILD and my mom saw it and asked "Why? Are you wild?" and almost immediately I answered back to her and was like "Yeah." 😫 I only bought those because school's in 12 days. I most likely won't be able to update as much when school starts. Sorry bout that. Well that's about it. Good night, may you not have any demigod dreams.


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