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Harry's POV

It's been years since the war and now I'm working as an auror, along with Ron. I'm married to Ginny and we have 3 children. Wow, time flies by fast, I remember when I first met Ginny in my second year of Hogwarts.

Now my family and I are on our way to America. Ginny's Quidditch team are having their World Cup there and we're deciding to take the kids with us. James is our oldest, he's now 10, Albus is 9 and Lily is 7. They're almost going to Hogwarts, so we've decided to do one more big family event before they do.

"Daddy, where are we going?" asked Lily as we were heading to the Ministry of Magic.

"We're going to a far away place called the United States of America, Lily. Mommy's going to play Quidditch there. That's where they're holding the Quidditch World Cup," I explained taking my daughter's hand and heading in the building.

We were going by Floo Powder, though America was quite far so we're going to have to make a bunch of pit stops to other countries.

Once we were in the certain area of the building, we all flooed to the Ireland Ministry of Magic. Then again, but to Greenland this time and from there we used a portkey and arrived in New York City.

We took in our surroundings and were mesmerized at what we saw. The portkey dropped us off at some wizard shop, but outside was buzzing with people. In cars, inside the shops, on the streets, they were everywhere looking like everyone had something to do. "Guys, we should check-in the hotel, it seems to be right over there," Ginny insisted and we all followed her lead.

On the outside, the hotel looked old, unwanted and broken down, but on the inside was a whole different story. It was beautiful, with the giant chandelier and all the wizards there looking professional. We dropped off our bags and decided to explore the city since Willow, the seeker of the team, urged us too.

               o u t s i d e

"Come on, Dad! Lily and I found some wicked muggle shops over there," James tugged my arm. I stopped them and shook my head no.

"Let's grab some lunch first, I'm hungry, how about you Al?" I asked Albus who nodded and smiled at me. We walked around looking for food places when I saw a family of four who seemed friendly enough to ask for directions. I motioned to Ginny and she nodded. Already holding Lily's hand, I went up to them.

"Excuse me, do you know a place where we could eat around here? We just got here from England on holiday," I asked the father who looked quite you with his unruly hair and mischievous green eyes.

"Yeah, I live like 15 minutes away from here if you drive so, there are some fancy restaurants down this street that way. Unless you want some fast food, then just follow us. We were on our way to McDonald's anyways," he says smiling.

"Thank you very much sir," I said though he scrunched his eyebrows when I called him sir. I don't think he's quite used to that. I saw my family confused at the "language" he used. "Ginny, a fast food restaurant is like a non-fancy restaurant. You don't have to sit down and eat if you don't have time either," I whispered. I don't know if it was an American thing or a muggle thing but I guess they never heard of fast food restaurants.

We arrived at the McDonalds and I started reading the menu on the screen hopefully not gonna make a fool out of myself because I knew Ginny wouldn't know how to order here, I barely had experience too. Is 10 too old for a happy meal? Whatever that was, I think it comes with an action figure.

I listened to the man that gave us directions' order only to catch snippets of it. "Big Mac..." "Yes, combo" "Happy Meals..." "and boy." "Yep," and he paid. I mean, he got his son a happy meal, and he looks around 10 so I guess I'll just get it for James too.

Once I calmed down and we got our food, I took a seat at our table which was right beside his family. "I'm sorry, we didn't get you name?" I asked him.

"Oh, me? I'm Percy, Percy Jackson. And this is my wife Annabeth and our two children Hudson and Kamryn. Hudson's 10 and Kam's 8. How about you guys?" he answered with his American accent.

I let Ginny answer this question. "Well, I'm Ginny Weasley-Potter. This is my husband Harry Potter and our three children James, Albus and Lily. James' is 10, Al's 9 and Lily's 7. Pleasure to meet you guys," she said in a sweet, cheerful voice.

Lily and Kamryn head to the play area and the boys play fought with their action figures after we ate. Us parents conversed amongst each other and I learnt a lot about the Jackson family but I felt like they were being a bit secretive. I guess the same goes for us. "So what brings you to New York?" asked Annabeth truly curious.

"Ginny actually has a sports event out here, the whole team agreed on going so here we are," I explained as if going from the UK to America was like a trip next door. They nodded understanding, these two were great at poker faces might I add.

I look over to the kids who were getting along quite nicely, though there was one television in the room that obviously attracted the boys. All three of them seem like they haven't seen these machines in their whole life. Well, clearly James and Al haven't, maybe Hudson's family simply doesn't own one.

They were an odd sort of family, ever since we met, there seemed to be something different about them. I decide to let it go and just forget about it. "Ah, kids and the small screen have a very odd relationship," Ginny said out of the blue after a moment of silence. That got the couple's attention, Percy's hand goes to his pocket and looks outside. When he sees nothing there, he breathes a sigh of relief. That hand to pocket movement reminds me of myself when I'm reaching for my wand, which is my only weapon.

I hear Hudson pleading his mother, "Ow, ow! Mom, it hurts! Mom, please stop!" he said also trying not to draw attention. I look over to see the 10-year-old being gripped by the ear by his fuming mother.

"C'mon Kam! We're leaving!" Percy called out loud with no shame. Kamryn said goodbye to Lily and ran to her father taking his hand as they walk out.

But right before that, Percy comes up to us and says "I apologize for this incident, I hope we can meet up another time, this is just an emergency that we kind of have to take care of." And then they walk out.

"What an odd family, they're very beautiful though," Ginny complimented.

"That's what came to my mind when I first saw the Weasley family," I told her smirking as she just groaned and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I hope we can meet up another time with the Jacksons.

Word Count: 1247

It's obviously Harry Potter, if you haven't guessed yet. I'm a huge fan, it's what got me into reading. Once I finished the Harry Potter series, I searched up recommendations and Percy Jackson came up. So PJO and HP will always be my top two fandoms (bandoms are different).

Comment your weapon of choice and, if you're in the fandom, what your favourite spell is. Mine's twin daggers/swords and "Expecto Patronum" (my patronus is a fox btw)

May the odds be ever in your favour.


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