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Jordaine's POV

I asked Annabeth Chase if she wanted to hang out on the beach today and she agreed but only if her boyfriend could come. Of course I agreed, being the good friend I am didn't tease her at all... like that'll ever happen. I asked about 50 questions about him and she kept blushing while talking about him, young love is so beautiful. I did learn that they met at summer camp when they were 12 and started dating at 16. They weren't breaking up anytime soon, it was pretty obvious.

I'm pretty surprised she hasn't done the boyfriend tag yet. Annabeth and I are youtubers if you didn't know. I've been on for about 3 years and she's been on for about a year and a half. I had around 1.8 million subscribers and she had 700k, I was thankful for every single one who subbed to me.

I stayed in my car for a few minutes to vlog since I still had some time, even though I was 30 minutes late. Blame the traffic. "Well, I'm at the beach and will be with Annabeth momentarily. Apparently she brought her boyfriend with her, don't know if I can say that. I may have just leaked their relationship, your welcome Annie. I should probably change my Jordans, that would be a good idea. Well I see you in a bit guys." I hit the record button again to stop the recording.

- b e a c h -

I saw Annabeth setting up her camera on the sand. "Annie!" I shout. She just calmly looks at me and glares.

"What's my name?" she asks deadly calm.

"You tell me, it was you mom that gave it to you." I say back raising an eyebrow.

She shakes her head and looks behind her "She's almost as sassy as you, Perce." she sighs.

I grin nice and wide. "Thanks, I try." I say flipping my long, natural curls.

"Jordaine Jazmyn Carter Natarey, name too freaking dam long. I am regretting coming here in the first place already having to deal with that one. Percy introduce yourself." she orders now tying her hair up.

"Percy Jackson, I'm dating that pretty lady." he says with his sarcastic grin.

"You've already heard her say my name but I'm Jordaine Jazmyn Carter Natarey. That pretty lady you're dating is my best friend." I stick out my hand and he shakes it.

"Alright, I got the camera set up. Jay, mind asking the questions?" Annabeth asks.

"No not at all!" I said " Are you doing the boyfriend tag?" I asked her.

"Yeah, fans kept asking who he was when they saw my snapchat story." she answered.

I hit record on the camera and we got started. The two were so cute, like a match made in heaven. When they talked about the underwater kiss, I couldn't help myself. "Aww." I said. This was not usually me. I was always the tomboy that likes shoes, what's happening to me?!

"Thanks for watching this video you guys. Make sure to give it a like and subscribe if you haven't. And comment below what you think of this idiot." Annabeth said.

"While you're doing that, make sure you comment below what you think of me too." Percy sassed back flashing a smile before running.

It took a while for that to sink in and actually get the joke, but about 3 seconds later, Annabeth ran after him screaming "Oh Percy Jackson you are so dead!"

I panned over the camera and took the shot of the two running and ended it. I hope Percy gets back alive, if he does, he better not hurt Annie or he'll have to deal with me. Though he doesn't seem like the person to do that, I think my best friend's in good hands. Besides they've known each other for five- almost six- years.

Well, here's Annabeth as a Youtuber. This is one of the shorter ones, I know. Jazmin16Star made up the character for this one. Sorry for not posting in three days. I've been at Diagon Alley buying my things for my second year at Hogwarts ;). James starts today doesn't he? Well, good luck with mortal school guys, mine doesn't start until the 8th of September.

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