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           If ya'll don't like swear words, just warning you.

There are two things I loathe more than Aunt Susan's yapping about my future. The first thing is shopping, and what's worse is your girlfriend shopping with you dragging you to all these stores. They try one thing on and they never buy it 'cause one pair of leggings cost like $200.

The second thing is a certain girl called Annabeth Chase. No, I don't hate her because she's really hot and all the boys want her. I don't hate her because she's way to smart, but really good in sports, either. No, I hate her because she's the reason my school doesn't win any volleyball trophies. Every single fucking year her school kicks our asses, and it's because they have her on they're team.

"See you tomorrow Oz! Oh and good job on the game last night," Mikey congratulated me before heading home. Not only am I in volleyball, I'm also on the boys' soccer team, we had a game last night too which our team gladly won. Oh, and Oz was just a nickname, people used to spell it Aus but I had a Buffy phase.

I was heading to my friend Percy's house to tell him about the game. Even though he does never come to any of my volleyball games, he says he has to babysit some kids. "Hey Sally, Percy home yet?" I ask looking around the apartment to look for him when his mom invited me in.

She smiles at me and tells me to sit down. "Percy! Austin's here! Percy? Perseus Jackson!" Sally raised her voice, as she said that you could already hear the thundering footsteps upstairs.

"Hey Oz! What're you doing here? Thought you weren't coming 'till tomorrow," Percy said leading me to the tv.

"I fully told you I was coming over today. How could I come tomorrow, that's when the volleyball game is," I lightly punched his arm while picking a video game. Call of Duty it is. We both set it up and played for a while, me beating him for the first game... and him beating me all the other games. We started a fifth round saying it was our last because it was getting late, I finally won but I think he was going easy on me.

"Bye Oz, see you tomorrow," he waves. Wait, did he say tomorrow?

"Perce what do you mean bye tomorrow?" I asked thoroughly confused.

"Your volleyball game! I wanna see your ass get kicked by Annabeth Chase, don't suck too hard okay?" he smirks.

"You little piece of-"

"Why are you leaving so soon Oz?" Sally asked coming out of nowhere. I immediately stop what I was going to say and finally step out the door.

"Volleyball tomorrow."

             - t h e  n e x t  d a y -

There were two other schools we had to face not counting Chase's school. The first game was Rosewood (my school) HS v Yancy High and Lincoln HS (Annabeth's school) v Rockford HS. My school won, but it was a tough game. I wasn't at all surprised that Lincoln won by a mile, but I was getting a bit worried.

We went against Rockford and won, they have quite weak players. But going against Lincoln was a different story. I guess they devised some sort of plan and it worked well, too well. I don't know what's worse, them beating us or Percy laughing his ass off and having to leave the gym when Annabeth spiked the ball and hit me square in the face. I don't know how that wasn't a foul, what, because there wasn't blood?

Four balls-to-the-face incidents, one bloody nose (I will confirm this was not Annabeth or my school) and one foul later, Lincoln High School did beat us... again. But at least now we weren't that surprised. Once the game was done, we shook hands with everyone and I start looking for Percy. "Chiron! Help! Oh my gods!", well I found him. I head over to see him on the floor and Annabeth Chase literally on him hugging the life out of him, and him hugging back. "Percy what the fuck are you doing making contact with the enemy?!" I accidentally say out loud. Wow, that sounded a hell lot better in my head.

"Can't I say hi to my girlfriend?" he says. Girlfriend? Annabeth helps him get up and Percy puts his arm around her. I guess he saw the look on my face and decided to start explaining. "Annabeth here has been my girlfriend for like two years now. But since she lived pretty far and I was caught up in school and swimming and... stuff, we couldn't really see each other. So I decided to surprise her, while she was kicking somebody else's ass that isn't mine," he says. I nodded still in some sort of shock.

After a minute of silence, I finally say something intelligent. "Percy, what the fuck?" Annabeth shakes her head and puts her head in her hands.

"He's almost as bad as you," she mutters. "Annabeth Chase, usually beat you in games. Nice to meet you," she smiles a bit and sticks out her hand. I shake it smiling back at her.

A guy in a wheelchair comes over to us, "Hello Percy, Annabeth, who is this young  man?" he asks sounding very proper.

"This young man is my friend Oz," Percy hits my back. Ow, that fucking hurt too.

"I thought they said his name was Austin," wheelchair man assumed. Before I could say anything Annabeth cut me off.

"I don't know, in my mind I always called him Chewbacca," she said completely deadpanned leaving Percy laughing way too hard.

"What the hell Annabeth?" I exclaimed and she merely shrugged. "Anyway, my first name is Austin but a lot of people called me Aus, spelt A-u-s. But I had like a giant Buffy the Vampire Slayer phase and started spelling it O-z in 7th or 8th grade," I told them.

"Ah, I see. Nice to meet you then Austin, I'm Mr. Brunner, a teacher at Lincoln High School," he introduces himself and we shake hands.

"It was nice meeting all of you two, Annabeth, Mr. Brunner, but my school's legit gonna leave me if I don't go right now," I wave to them and we all go our separate ways.

On our way home I thought of Percy, and Annabeth. What did I think of them? One question just stood in my mind, how the fuck did Percy get her?

Word Count: 1109

I apologize for all the swear words, even I don't swear that much. But if Percy's that sassy he must swear a lot, and so does Oz.

Hope ya'll don't stop reading cuz of him. Oz was honestly one of the most fun characters to write though. Have a good life every one. :p


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