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Brothers and sisters, why are we all like this? Hypocrites who pretend to follow the Deen but do otherwise.

Akhi, Ukhti what have you done to please Allah swt? What have you done to Islam? What have you sacrificed?

Are we all like controlled dolls who are manipulated by the west? How can we be people who follow ideas of the westerners, the non-muslims? Who can you even leave your own Islam for non-muslims?

And when I mean leave Islam, I don't mean as in leaving Islam completely, not praying, not believing in Allah swt so forth, NO! I mean there are hypocrites who say things to people but behind others back are doing other things or do things that disgrace the religion.

Lets give an example;

You're a muslim who follows the Tawheed and believes in the conditions of Iman etc. but doesn't follow the ideologies of the Muslims. Like the non-muslims who drew Prophet Muhammad sallaAllahu AlayhiWasalam as a cartoon figure. So many 'Muslims' were like it doesn't matter. 'It's just a face on a newspaper', 'Who cares?', 'They have a freedom of writing/drawing whatever they want, so let them' etc.


Were not even going to go there but seriously Prophet Muhammad SallaAllahuAlayhi Wasalam is being disgraced here and all you are doing is supporting the ideologies of the non-muslims.

How about the 'jesuis-Charlie' (LOL I don't even know how it was spelt again :p). The protest. Hello people? If you are a Muslim and you joined that, there is something wrong with you. And I say this straight to your face ITAQILLAH (Fear Allah). What have you got left it you leave this peaceful religion. Wallahi nothing. Absolutely nothing.

LOL Wallahi I am sick of hypocrite, two-faced ugh. Yeah. I think we all are. -.-

Asalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Forgive me if I sounded harsh but I am glad thats out of my system lol :P

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