You want to get married?

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Asalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabrakatuh,

So many sisters and brothers including myself always talk about marriage. Personally I would like a husband with a beard whose practising and a person who fears Allah subhanahu wata'ala (even though I don't want to get married because egh who wants more responsibilities. Admit it all of you want to get married because of the cliché stuff, but I am willing to sacrifice that for a peaceful life and future. LOL!)

*next minute gets married* 👀

We have set soo many boundaries and expectations about who our future spouse will be and what surprises me is the men who want a beautiful wife who must, have this and walk like this and say this and cook this

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We have set soo many boundaries and expectations about who our future spouse will be and what surprises me is the men who want a beautiful wife who must, have this and walk like this and say this and cook this...and wait there is women too...he has to be this height and wear this and look that and love me and bring this and do that...WAIT! Let me just rewind. So we all want someone who will love us, appreciate us, comfort us and support us etc. but the thing we need to ask ourselves is are we really what we want our spouse to be? I mean do we really have traits that men are looking for or women are looking for, or wait just traits that we think are good ourselves. We don't love him and we hate her and we dress this and expect that and force this and authorise that but what we all need to know is that be who you want your other half to be.

Women these days want rich husband who, are on the deen, dress well, talk on the right time, say the right things, look a certain way, follow a certain way basically perfect. And the men want the women who looks like this, dresses like this, walks like that, listens to this and follows that...also a perfect woman. What basically ruins marriages now is non-contentment that the spouse has for his or her spouse.

"We need to learn not to expect high and always focus on ourselves before the ones that are coming in the future because God knows if you'll even live that long to get married. "

"What I am trying to say is don't want the whole package because no one gets the full package. We don't get what we expect, we get what planned for us by Allah subhanahu wata'ala."

May Allah subhanahu wata'ala grant us righteous spouses on the correct deen who fears you and who will help us enter the highest levels of Jannah. May Allah subhanahu wata'ala grant us all Jannatul Firdaws Al A'la without Hisab or 'Athab. ALLAHUMA AMEEN.

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