PoH Chapter 7

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Author's Note: TT^TT I love you guys... Same deal?


I don’t know why people are so surprised that I do well in school.

            “Oh, flashy,” Richard scowled.

            Stuffing my PSP into my pocket, I took first strike, my swords aiming for the chest but colliding with claws, sparks flying out. I felt his muscles tense and I broke the lock, jumping back right as the Aclyte threw a punch.

            “You got a lot of strength for someone so small,” he grunted. Don’t underestimate me then.

            He swung a giant hand at me, making me retreat back even further. His stomach began to glow and fire began to trickle out of the demon’s muzzle.

            I have to hurry.

            Racing forward as the Aclyte was charging up power, I made it just in time as I slashed at his stomach, blue blood pouring out of the deep wound. His eyes widened and his throat swallowed, causing more blood to gush out.

            Please just let him die of blood loss, this fight is going to start drawing attention.

            He let out a mighty roar that shook the air.

            “You bitch!” he yelled and charged forward despite of his injury, his eyes clouded over with neon blue. Ah great, he’s gone into his Berserk mode, something that’ll make him three times as fast and powerful. Just great.

            Now let’s see how many of his attacks I can dodge before I get hit or get another chance to strike. The head, it’s always the head.

            “Stop running away!”

            I was backing away to a lamp post, a plan having formed a few seconds ago. Closer… closer…


            That voice… My head spun back and Aleck was standing there, out of breath and with a look of absolute ‘what the hell?!’ on his face.

            Demons are smart.

            The Aclyte took the chance of my distraction and hit me, sending me flying back into the pole, denting it. I touched my pocket. My PSP was undamaged.

            Ignoring the piercing pain (did I break a rib?), I grabbed the pole and climbed up it with a good amount of speed. Holding one sword in my mouth, I launched myself from the metal and flipped right onto the Aclyte’s back. He roared and began to struggle, his arms too large to actually reach me. Holding onto his hair tightly, I sunk the sword in my hand into his neck (won’t kill him though) for leverage as I pulled myself up. Spitting out the one I was holding in my mouth, I took it and, with as much strength as I could muster, stabbed it right into his head.

            He stopped moving.

            I should get off his back.


            An Aclyte’s fatal point is there head. Richard had been the youngest Aclyte, therefore the easiest, but also the most dangerous. Aclytes are basically family, tightly bonded. You kill one, they aren’t too happy. Rarely has an Aclyte been killed, and I believe the last time was half a century ago when a Protector killed the middle one. They don’t reproduce till all seven are killed, and to stop that process, you had to kill off the King.

            So, two down, five to go if this mindless war will ever end.

            Richard’s body turned into golden dust and blew away into the sunset. I sat on the ground, the pain coming back to me. Taking out my PSP, I held the L button till I felt my injuries heal themselves. You can guess what the L button is, right? Reversing time.

            I forgot Aleck was here.

            “… Lin?”

            I stood up, ignoring Aleck and taking the jar that had been left behind. Fishing out Talia’s Heart, I put it back inside her. She would wake up soon to believe that she had merely been on a walk and had fallen asleep.


            A little louder this time.

            I began to walk home.


            I felt a tug on my arm, just like before. Aleck turned me around, looking me in the eye. “Lin,” he said, in a quiet voice, a little too calm, “these past two days have been… strange. It started with prom, didn’t it? All of a sudden, you’re angry at me enough to talk, and then I see this, whatever this is. You need to explain to me now, Lin. No more secrets. Please.”

            That “please” had been practically a whisper. I had long looked away from his eyes, but that “please” had magically turned my head back. One look in those eyes made me falter.

            There was a long silence between the two of us.

            To my utter shock, I nodded.

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