PoH Chapter 20

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Author's Note: Sorry, haven't been updating even though both my stories are done because of school. There's been a homework overload and lack of sleep :P

So enjoy, this is the "end."

Sequel will be coming up.

One of these days.




            I hate it when I jinx something.

            “What’s up? You look a little… red,” Trent said when I got home. “Did you... hm?”

            Now he has a sly smile on.

            “I’m not going to say anything,” he smirked. “Go to bed. Don’t you have school?”

            Sometimes I’m so glad that Trent prefers to keep secrets.


            “Fucking piece of crap…” I heard Aleck swear under his breath as he tried to start up the pick up for the fifth time. Finally, after the seventh try, the engine started up. “There!”

            I laughed, escaping the world of games for just a moment before slipping back in. I saw him smile from the corner of my eye.

            Things are actually going well.


            Did I just jinx that? Please tell me I didn’t.

            “When we get back, you’re helping me study,” Aleck said.

            I help you study every year.      


            “Finally!” Aleck cheered right as we got out of our last class for the year. “Summer!”

            I know, right?

            “What do you have planned?” Aaron popped up from behind, smiling. I shrugged. When I think about it, I just go where the wind takes me during the summer.

            Well, this summer’s going to be fun no matter what I do.

            ALECK’S POV

            I thought everything would go well after this entire fiasco.

            It did not.

            Oh, it so did not.

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