Chapter 2: The Letters

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Stefan's POV
I'm looking at the letters from Rebekah, Gabby, and Klaus. I'm thinking about opening them then I hear Hope cry and I vamp speed to her making sure she's okay. 

I see she is reaching for her bottle while she is in her crib. I go over to it and I taste it a little. The milk has cooled down. So, I pick her up and I go over to the rocking chair and feed her. 

She starts to calm down while she's eating and I can't help but smile at her. She is so adorable. She has Klaus' blue eyes, Klaus' hair color, and she looks like Hayley. 

I take the bottle out of her mouth and I get her to burp so she won't feel discomfort. Then I rock her back and forth while rubbing her back, soothing her until she falls asleep. 

Five minutes later, she does and I put her back in her crib. I smile at her and watch her sleep. This is one special and adorable baby. I've only had her half a day and I already love her as if she is my own. I only got her ten hours ago. 

I decide to get into the hot jacuzzi and relax a little. When I do, I realize I still had my phone off. I grab it and I turn it on, only to see I have SO many messages and missed calls.

30 missed calls from Damon
26 messages from Damon
28 missed calls from Elena
24 messages from Elena
26 missed calls from Caroline
22 messages from Caroline
24 missed calls from Bonnie
23 messages from Bonnie
20 missed calls from Ric
24 messages from Ric

Uh-oh. I'll text Bonnie back, letting her know I'm okay.

Me to Bonnie- Hey Bonnie, I'm fine, no need to worry about me. I'll be back in time for Ric and Jo's wedding. I'll see you then.

I put my phone down and relax again, only to get another text. I sigh and look at it.

Bonnie- Thank God! What did Klaus want?

Oh no, I can't tell them about Hope. They won't understand. They hate Klaus too much, especially Elena, Tyler, and Damon. They will let their hatred for Klaus cloud their judgment. No! I can't tell, I won't put Hope's life at risk like that

I'll talk to them when I get there. I leave the day after tomorrow. Enough time to make up a story as to why Klaus wanted to speak to me. I ignore Bonnie's response and go back to relaxing. 

Fifteen minutes later, I get out, get dressed, and get ready for bed. While I am getting into bed, I grab all three of the letters and decide to read Rebekah's letter first. I leave the little lamp on dim so I can still see the letter.

Thank you for agreeing to take Hope and raise her as your own. It means the world to my family and I what you're doing for her and us. She is our family's hope. Niklaus is the one that named her Hope. I just want to explain to you all about Hope's safety. Our father Mikael came back to life and later on was killed by Nik, again. Also, there are a lot of witches that want Hope dead because they see her as the bastards child, an abomination. They want to punish a little baby for her father's sins, it's sad. So, in order to get them to back off, FOR NOW, we made a rumor saying Nik killed Mikael to get vengeance on him for killing his daughter. Nobody knows she is alive except for one threat, of which will be explained in Niklaus' letter. So nobody can know she is a Mikaelson. She will have to take your last name in order for her death to be bought. Hope is part witch and werewolf and possibly part vampire, we are not sure of that just yet. We haven't gotten the chance to check with the threats we have been receiving. Hope is a normal baby for now. Although, we don't know what she'll become getting older. We all trust you to keep her a secret, but of course your little group of friends will find out eventually. If you do take Hope to Mystic Falls, I would suggest keeping Tyler Lockwood away from Hope. He found Hayley when she was pregnant and took Hope's blood when she was still in the womb. He isn't trustworthy when it comes to Hope and I believe he will do anything to get under Nik's skin, including hurting his child. That is all I can say. Just know, never bring her to New Orleans until we call and say it's safe. Take good care of her Stefan. I trust you very much and I know you will be a great father to her.
Now this is a story I want you to tell Hope so she can still have memories of us. Here goes;
Once upon a time, there was a majestic king. He was blessed with a beautiful baby daughter, for whom he only wished peace. Still the king had demons that would pursue him. There was a coven of evil witches that wanted the king to suffer and in order for it to happen, they went after his daughter. There is another threat. A very powerful sorceress, wanted to steal the child and use her for her powers. The evil sorceress was the aunt of the king. Then the final threat, the eldest brother of the entire family wanted nothing more than to get rid of the king and his other siblings. He too tried to go after the princess. Seeing the shadows of his enemies upon his home, the king was driven to send his beloved princess away. Convincing all including his enemies that she was forever lost.
Sincerely, Rebekah Mikaelson

Wow! I can't believe Tyler. As soon as Ric and Jo leave for their honeymoon I'm taking Hope and leaving Mystic Falls. I don't want to risk them letting their hatred for Klaus cloud their judgment. Hope safety comes first now. I shake that thought away and open Klaus' letter next.

I just want to thank you in advance for watching my little Hope. I know for a fact you will be a great father figure towards her. I want to tell you all that's happened with Hope. Only the things you can know. You can't know everything because it will not only be dangerous for Hope, but you too. I have too many enemies and they will find me. If Hope stays with me, they will find her too and kill her to get to me. Let me tell you about the time Hope was born, when Hayley was giving birth to her. The witches took Hayley against her will and made her give birth early. When Hope was born they killed Hayley when Hope was in her arms and took Hope from her and tried to kill Hope, all for more power. Hope's blood was still in Hayley's system so she died with the baby's blood in her system. Hope sired her mother and turned her mother, she'll become powerful, Stefan. Hayley is now sired to our daughter, which is why it's going to be hard for her over the years with Hope being gone. Our aunt Dahlia-- Esther's sister, cursed every first born in each generation, which is why she is after Hope. She takes every first born in our family and uses them for more power. Which is what she did to our eldest sister, Freya. She is too alive and now helping us, wanting Dahlia gone as much as us. Because of Dahlia, Hope wears that bracelet, to make sure no one, not even Dahlia can find her or you. Then there is Finn. Yes, he's alive and he wants blood-- mine and my siblings. If he finds out Hope is alive, he will hunt her down and kill her. This is all I can tell you Stefan. If I tell you more, it could put you in danger as much as Hope. Thank you, for helping me and my family. We are forever in your debt. I know all I've done to you is unforgivable, but hopefully one day we can let bygones be bygones for real this time. Thank you again, Stefan. Take care of my little girl.
Sincerely, Klaus Mikaelson

Whoa! Poor Hayley. I feel so bad for her and Hope. She's just a baby, she doesn't deserve this. Okay next up, Gab's letter. I open it and start reading it.

Thank you for agreeing to look after Hope until it's safe for her to come home again. I just want to tell you that as soon as Ric and Jo's wedding is over, you should leave Mystic Falls and take her somewhere safe. I want you to know, I'm going to be staying here and helping them get rid of the people that are threats to Hope. I will be back for Jo and Alaric's wedding, but after that I'm coming back to New Orleans and helping. Hayley and Klaus made me Godmother and Hope is just as important to me as she is to them. I know you think I'm putting my life at risk, but she's my Goddaughter and I will die protecting her. Just like I know you will die to protect her. If you do eventually go back to Mystic Falls, I NEED you to be wary of Tyler, Elena, Damon, and Bonnie. They hate Klaus the most. They will let their hate for him cloud their judgment, especially Tyler. Rebekah has an explanation for what Tyler did in her letter. Elena, she hates Klaus for what he did to Jenna, Isobel, and John, she I definitely do not trust. And Damon, he hates Klaus for what he did to Elena and to you. He loves Elena so much that he will always side with her. Klaus has done a lot, but he is a good guy and he will be one for his daughter. None of you know him like I do, he's not all bad especially when it comes to his family. As for Bonnie, she hates Klaus as much as Elena. Ever since his family made Damon turn her mother into a vampire and since he killed her once, but since Hope is a witch, she'll have to learn magic. Just watch Bonnie carefully. I love Bonnie, it's just I don't want to risk any harm coming to Hope, especially from Tyler, Elena, and Damon. Them I trust least of all. I love Damon, but he lets his love for Elena take over all the time. Elena, we both know ever since what happened between you two, I don't trust her that much like I used to. If you eventually decide to go back be wary of them, but as of now, please take her far away from there. Somewhere safe. Also, she is 9 months old and her birthday is September 5th. I trust you, Stefan. We all do. Take care and don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Please don't worry. Take good care of her. I know for a fact you'll be a wonderful father to her. I Love You, Brother.
Sincerely, Gabriella

Damn it, Gabby! I don't want you putting your life at risk. But I know you can take care of yourself, so I'll let it be FOR NOW. But she is right about one thing. Tyler, Elena, and Damon are the ones to be least trusted around Hope, when I eventually go back. Sigh I turn off the light completely and go to sleep. Thinking about being a father for God knows how long.

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