Chapter 25: Finding Her

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It's the next day and Mikael still has Hope. Everyone has been doing everything they can to get her back. Klaus, Hayley, and Stefan were the one's mostly devastated and depressed with Hope being gone.

While searching for her, Freya and Stefan have grown close and Caroline and Klaus have too. Caroline is the only thing keeping Klaus together right now. Bonnie and Freya are doing a locator spell on Hope and during it their noses start to bleed.

Stefan says, worried for both Freya and Bonnie "you guys?! Stop!" Kai exclaims, worried "Bonnie!" He shakes her and says "stop!" Stefan does the same with Freya. After a few minutes, they get out of it and blood is dripping from their nose.

They both inhale and exhale rapidly and Bonnie says "he's too strong!" Freya says "there has to be another way. Where's Davina? Maybe she can help." Stefan grabs a tissue and gives it to Freya and she smiles at him and says "thank you!"

He smiles at her and they lock eyes until Rebekah interrupts them "hey, Romeo and Juliet? Flirt later." They roll their eyes at her and go back to discussing another solution.

Marcel called Davina and Jacque and now they're here. Jacque asks "okay, what did you call us here for?" And Stefan says "it's Finn. He's too strong and he's blocking us from trying to find Hope. Is there another way?"

Davina says "I think so. We could try channeling on dark objects to break his hold. To make him lose a little power, enough power for us to find her. It could help." Stefan says "okay, you try that. Marcel? Any word from your vampire guys?"

Marcel says "yeah, but they got nothing. Finn and Mikael are hiding very well." Stefan mumbles "damn it!" And Kol says "we'll find her! Whatever it takes." Stefan and Klaus both mumble "whatever it takes." They look at one another and nod at each other. 

Davina says "I'll try. Jacque can you help me?" He smiles at her and says "of course!" She smiles back at him. Kol says "okay love birds, get a move on." They glare at him and he smirks at them. They roll their eyes at him and then leave to find some powerful dark objects.

Rebekah says "I really hope this works." Gabby says "me too!" And Bry says "I just realized something. Brennon bit Mikael which means Mikael is going through the side effects because of the werewolf venom. Sadly it won't kill him, but it could help take him down and restrain him, enough time to deal with him."

Elena says "yeah, good idea!" And Greg says "hopefully they can get it done by today. The werewolf venom last 24 hours." Just then, Davina and Jacque come in with dark objects.

Stefan asks "Davina, do you think you'll be able to get this done today?" And Davina says "maybe, depends on how strong he is. These objects might not be enough. Hopefully they are, but why?"

Stefan says "Mikael was bitten by Brennon. He's a hybrid like Klaus and Gabby. The werewolf venom should hold him down enough for us to handle him." Davina looks at them like they are all insane, but then got that they don't know.

Davina asks "you guys do know that it won't affect him, right? I don't mean kill him because we all know it won't kill him, but I mean it won't bother him. Last time when he was bitten by a bunch of werewolves, instead of sulking he was trying to get stronger. He said "Werewolf venom is to be purged by force, not acquiesced to." It won't bother him. He'll still be strong."

Everyone sighs in frustration and Damon says "let's just hope Katherine will come through for us." Gabby scoffs and says, incredulous "I can't believe you let her go. You can't seriously trust the bitch."

Stefan says "I know, but hopefully she'll come through for us. Wherever she went, she says Hope won't be there or Nadia. They're hidden somewhere else. We can't kill them until we know where to find Hope."

Tyler says "unless she leaves us on our own. All she cares about is Nadia." Elena says "that's a first: Katherine actually putting someone else first besides herself for a change."

Jeremy says "well, Nadia is her daughter." Elijah smiles to himself, proud and glad that Katherine has found her daughter; she finally has someone to put first other than herself.


Katherine walks into Finn's evil lair. She sees Mikael trying to fight the werewolf venom in his system and Finn is doing some type of magic. She glares at Mikael and yells sarcastically "THANKS SO MUCH FOR LEAVING ME THERE! THEY COULD HAVE KILLED ME."

Mikael smirks at her and she just wants to slap the hell out of him. Finn says "enough! You're okay. That's the point. What happened?" Katherine says "well, Stefan started choking me and-- let's just say, it's a good thing I had another vervain bomb and the others were still knocked out."

Finn nods his head and says "I hope he and his friends stay out of this. This is family business. If they want to live, they should be smart-- unlike their sister, and stay out of this." Katherine asks, worried "what are you going to do to Gabby?"

Finn sighs and says "I didn't want it to come to this, but she made her choice. Just like my siblings will be dead, so will she and Marcel and Hayley and Davina. They all made their choices and they all chose wrong."

Finn walks away and Katherine rolls her eyes at him and asks curiously "why did you bring us back? You could have brought anyone back to do your dirty work. Why me and Nadia?"

Finn smirks and says "because you or your daughter are the key." Katherine asks, confused "key to what?" Finn says "to ending my siblings and that abomination they call a child once and for all." Katherine widens her eyes in shock.

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