Chapter 21: Unpleasant Surprise

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6 Days Later~ In New Orleans

Gabby is in her room packing because Finn has gone awol and needs to be found. If he's gone that's never good news. Kol walks in and wraps his arms around Gabby and kisses her temple.

Gabby smiles and says "mm, thank you for that." Kol says "it's my pleasure. Are you almost ready?" And Gabby says "yes. Are you?" Kol nods his head and says "we'll find him."

He kisses her and she kisses him back then pulls away and says "I know." She gives him a peck on the lips and he smiles at her and she smiles back. Kol says "I'm going to go see Nik in his room for minute. I'll be right back."

Gabby says "go. I got to call Damon anyway." He nods his head and leaves to Klaus' room. Gabby calls Damon and he picks up saying "hi."

Phone Conversation
Gabby- Hey you guys, what's happening?
Greg- Nothing much.
Gabby- Is this guy you were talking about still okay? I mean are you still wary of him?
Stefan- Yes, we are.
Gabby- Good, be careful. And also keep a lookout; Finn has gone awol. We're about to go look for him. If he's gone, that's not a good sign.
Jontae- Gabs! Just be careful, please.
Gabby- Okay, I will.
Brennon- We mean it.
Kayla- Where are you now?
Gabby- Home. We have Davina helping us trying to find him.
Damon- Damn it Gabby, please be careful.
Gabby- I will you guys! Everything is all good.

Gabby hears a crash and screaming downstairs nearly dropped her phone because of it.

Savannah- What the hell is that?
Gabby (worried)- I don't know! I'll call you guys back.
Damon (yells)- NO! STAY ON THE PHONE!

Gabby rolls her eyes.

Gabby- Fine!

She goes outside with everyone still on the phone and she sees Kol and Nik come out too. They look and gasp. They're very shocked and scared to see who it is.

Klaus says "no, it can't be!" Elijah, Rebekah, Hayley, and Marcel are fighting him off. Gabby is paralyzed in fear, she can hear everyone on the phone freaking out.

Gabby- Mikael's back.

Everyone on the phone was silent.

Damon- Come home, NOW!

Gabby says talking to both everyone on the phone and Nik and Kol "this was Finn! He's definitely up to something. He brought Mikael back to distract us. But why? What's he looking for?"

They look at her, agreeing with her theory. That's when it came to Gabby. She signals for Nik and Kol to come with her in the room. When they're in there, she closes and locks the door.

Gabby- Guys? That suspicious guy you told me about-- the one that's volunteering at Hope's school, what does he look like? What's his name?
Stefan- He's dark skin, has an Afro hair, and brown eyes, and his name is-
Gabby interrupts- Vincent Griffith?
Brennon (worried)- How do you know that?
Gabby- Because Vincent Griffith is the person Finn has possessed. You guys were right, he can't be trusted. Get Hope out of that school now! Hurry! I'll call you back. We have to go help deal with Mikael.
Damon- No Gabby, don't!
Gabby- Damon! Don't argue with me! Just get Hope away from him.
Klaus- Come to New Orleans as soon as you can. Hurry please.
Kol- Go now.
Bry- Okay, we're going now. Gabby be careful.
Gabby- Right back at you. Finn is stronger than he looks and keep Elena and Matt away from him. They're the one's that killed him. He will kill them the minute he sees them, now GO!
End of Phone Conversation

Gabby looks towards Nik and Kol who are worried as hell. She says "let's go take care of Mikael!" She walks out of the room with them behind her and she sees Mikael with the white oak stake, about to stab Rebekah with it.

Gabby jumps over the balcony and lands safely on the floor. She vamp speeds to him and pushes him off of her. Gabby helps Rebekah up and Nik, Hayley, Kol, Marcel, and Elijah come next to them prepared to fight.

Mikael looks up and laughs and says to Klaus "well, look at this. The bastard once again not able to fight his own battles." Klaus looks down then back up trying to act like that didn't hurt him.

Mikael says pointing at Gabby "and you! You are still by his side, like his little bitch." Kol vamps speeds to Mikael and punches him to the ground and kicks him and Mikael gets up within a second and says "oh, let me guess; you love her! Wasn't it you and Niklaus that always said love is a vampires greatest weakness. And here you are in love."

Kol just stares at him with pure hatred and Mikael says "you're just as big of a fool as Niklaus." Kol says "of course you'd think that. Your heart is made of pure arsenic. How would you know what love is anymore."

Klaus steps up next to him and says "at least we have come to learn that love makes you stronger. Having people beside you doesn't make you weak, it makes you stronger because you know you have people there that believe in you and believe you to be worth it. Something you will never know." Everyone including Mikael is shocked by Klaus and Kol's words, while Gabby is smiling at them and is a little shocked too.

Mikael goes to attack but Gabby vamp speeds to him and grabs him by his shirt and throws him to the other side of the room. Mikael gets up angry as ever and says "oh, you will all PAY!" He shows his vampire face and so does everyone else and they attack.

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