Chapter 11: What I Missed

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Stefan's POV
After Damon gets up with Elena's help, he glares at me and I glare back and say "so..." I walk over to the couch and sit next to mom and continue "what have I missed? Starting with you three." I say that last part pointing at Jo, Liv, and Kai.

I say talking to Jo "I mean, not to be rude, really, it's just when I left you were- well, dead" She chuckles a little and says "yes, I was, but I came back a vampire along with Liv." I look at Liv and she nods her head agreeing with her.

Kai says "I can explain it." I look at him and say "please do because last time I was here you were the bad guy!" And Bonnie says defensively "he's not anymore."

I widen my eyes in shock and she walks over to Kai and holds his hand and he kisses her cheek. I'm now gaping in shock. What the hell have I missed? I also noticed a wedding ring on Kai's finger and become shocked and confused.

Kai notices my confusion and says "okay, I'll explain, well... when Damon took Elena to the hospital, I knocked out everyone who was awake. The deal I made with your mom was if she gave me her blood, I would tell her where her family is. So, when my coven was going to put me back in the prison world, I killed myself with your mom's blood still in my system. When I did that, everyone in my coven started to die and when I fed I went outside to find Alaric putting Jo's body in his car."

I nod my head and he continues "Then after me and him had a small chat and him trying to kill me multiple times, Tyler came out of nowhere and bit me, so I went to find Damon. When I found Damon at the hospital, I told him I had put a sleeping curse on Elena. As long as Bonnie was alive, Elena would remain asleep. After I told him, I vamp speed back to the party to feed on someone. Afterwards, Bonnie found me and tried to kill me, until I realized a wolf bite is like magic. So, I used my magic to siphon all the wolf venom out of me. When I did, me and Bonnie started to fight...."

Flashback~ Kai's POV

I send Bonnie flying using my magic and she gets up and says "you're really something, you know that?" And I say "me! You're the one that betrayed me! I tried to make things right. I wanted to apologize to you-- I tried to. It was you! You were the problem!"

She shouts "I needed time Kai! You made me suffer in that prison world. I was alone and scarred, so scarred I wanted to kill myself and almost did." I say "I wanted to make things right, you wouldn't give me the time of day." She repeats "I needed time, Kai!"

I say "I know you probably did, but I just wanted your forgiveness so badly. I needed it." She looks at me puzzled and she says "nice try Kai, you're not going to fool me!" I raise my voice "is it so hard to believe that I'm actually sorry?!"

She looks at me and says "yes! It is!" I scoff and say "well, I'm sorry you feel that way." Bonnie says "undo the spell you put on Elena." I look at her curiously and I actually want to help her.

Bonnie says "how about this, if DEEP DOWN you really are still a good guy then prove it! I will give you a chance if you just undo the spell Kai, please." I see in her eyes she's desperate.

Should I help her? She says she will give you a chance if you do. Maybe I should. I sigh and say "okay! I will undo the spell." She looks at me relieved and says "thank you!" I nod my head and I undo the spell.

Two minutes later, it's finally done. When I tell her it is, she calls Damon to confirm it and he does. Elena's awake and she sighs of relief and hangs up and turns to me. She says "thank you, Kai! Maybe I did misjudge you. There is hope for you after all."

I say smiling at her "you're welcome!" And she says "too bad your sisters' aren't here for this miracle." I say "they will be!" She looks at me confused and I say "before all this went down-- when I was cloaked, I put some of Lillian's blood in their drink."

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