"Date" Date

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Steve snuggled closer to Tony still too asleep to fully comprehend that it was Tony he was snuggling up to.

Steve wrapped his arm around Tony, his hand falling towards Tony's butt.

"Hey there salior if your going to grope me at least buy me dinner first." Tony laughed pulling Steve's hand up from his butt.

For some reason, it didnt bug Tony that he was on the couch with Steve.

Steve shook his head and tried to move as much into the couch as possible. "I-I, i'm sorry." He managed to squeak out.

Tony yawned and got off the couch. "Its fine, you want," Tony checked his watch. "Lunch?"

Steve yawned as well. "Lunch?" Steve hadn't slept in since before the war.

"Yea its 1:30."

"Yea what'd you have in mind?"

"There's a good pizza place down the street."

Steve nodded his head.
"Sounds good."
"Table for two."

The waitress led them to a secluded table in the back.

A waiter with red hair and brown eyes came to the table.

"Hi, Mr. Stark, how are you and you're boyfriend?"

Steve blushed. "We, uh were not together."

"My apologies, what can I get you two to eat?"

"Pizza," Tony looked at Steve. "You like pizza right?"

Steve smiled. "Yes Tony."
"So you guys went on date?" Clint asked, grabbing the slice of leftover pizza on the counter.

Steve blushed. "Will you shut up Barton?"

Clint smirked. "So it was a date?"

Tony walked in, hearing the last snippet of conversation. "Rogers had a date? Go Steve!"

"Yea with y-"

Steve glared at Clint.

Tony looked at Clint. "With who?"

Clint shrugged. "Mystery man."

"Man?" Tony patted Steve on the back. "Didn't know you swung that way Rogers."

Steve blushed and fumbled for words. Great. He thought to himself. Nows the time you want to forget how to speak.

"It's ok Steve, I dont mind."

"Yea Steve." Clint added. "Tony doesnt mind."

Steve huffed, speeding out of the kitchen.

Tony looked at Clint, who just shrugged in response.

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