The Aftermath

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The next morning Tony woke up to coffee and a hot bath.

"I'm sorry about last night." Steve looked down in shame. "I dont know what got into me."

Last night Steve and Tony had very hot and very rough sex, to the point where Tony was sore and there were literally bruises and bite marks everywhere on his body.(A/N: Sorry guys I cant write smut to say my life)

Tony looked at himself after he got out of the bath. Scratch marks adorned his thighs.

"Rogers." Tony said sternly.

Steve looked like he was about to die from guilt. "Y-yes Tony?"

"Come here." Tony said in the same voice.

Steve walked to him prepared for the worse.

Tony wrapped his arms around Steve's waist and kissed him tenderly. "You know I have to say seeing that little green eyed monster in you last night was a huge turn on for me."

Steve blushed. "W-what?"

Tony smirked. "You heard me Sir."

Tony walked to the kitchen leaving Steve a little dumbfounded.

Tony groaned slightly as he sat at the kitchen table with the rest of his family.

"Rough night?" Clint asked.


Clint gluped wide eyed. "Wait you mean you and Steve-Rogers-watch-your-language-perfect-citizen-Captain-America had a rough night?"

Tony pulled down his shirt, so Clint could see the bruises and hickeys.


Tony smiled. "I liked it to be honest. I kinda get the whole Master thing between you and Pietro now."

Clint nodded. "I bet you do."

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