03 | Russian Roulette

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Thank you for the messages <3 A couple people asked me about posting schedule. I'll be posting every Friday and maybe some Wednesdays too. I can totally be convinced of that midweek update ;)

03 | Russian Roulette

Sometimes, life can be a game of Russian roulette. We don't know when we're rolling the cylinder.

For example, when I showed up at camp today, I never expected my number to be up. This summer, I was living with a sex symbol.

Luke Dawson.

What does he wear to bed? Does he chill with his shirt off? Will my evenings become live screenings of Magic Mike?

Legitimate questions. I've heard what girls say about him...

"What's that smell?"


I took a deep breath as Luke and I faced the 10 hyper campers racing up the path to our cabin, screaming and running around in circles. We had pulled the short straw – landing with the youngest set of campers (8-year-olds) to look after.

"No, I really smell something," I insisted.

"Not my problem."

"Do you think you can try being a decent person today?"

"Who says I'm not trying?"

Ugh. This boy.

He looked irresistible in a white shirt, black shorts and Nike zoom sneakers. His athletic physique was obvious. I've seen him like this before but usually it's behind the safety of my bedroom window. And usually without his cocky mouth ruining the look.

It's amazing how a personality can dent an iconic image. Do other people know he's an entitled, arrogant jerk? Or is that just my special treat?

"Someone help me! I've burnt the cookies!" a counselor from the cabin next door came running out her front door.

I knew I smelt something.

Luke stared at the engraved name on our neighbor's cabin, paying no attention to the counselor in need. "Banana Cabin?"

"All the groups are named after fruit," I said and watched his expression turn to disgust.

"Please! Can someone help?" she called out again, clearly looking at us.

"Do you think she'll go away?" he asked, squinting under the sunlight.

"What?! No!" I stared at him like he was delusional, "She needs help!"

"AHHHHHHHH!" the 8-year-old campers swarmed past us and invaded our previously serene cabin. It was the beginning of hell.

"You handle that," he referred to the absolute destruction going on inside our own cabin as he started to walk towards our friendly neighbor.

"Are you seriously leaving me to this?" I called out.

"Be kind to neighbors," he called back, and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

What does he know about being kind to neighbors? I am his neighbor. And I don't even think he knows my name.

"I told you I smelt something," I muttered under my breath.

Cookies. Yum.


Luke never came back. I had to settle six different bunking disagreements like I was the United Nations. Then I found the first aid kit for a kid who bruised her knee climbing her bunkbed. And then I spent thirty minutes comforting a crying boy who missed his mummy. Not to mention getting them all to shut up so I could run them through the camp rules.

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