60 | Minnie

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(Finale: Part I of 2)

Chapter 60: Minnie

*Earlier on Friday afternoon*

It was the familiar scent of Luke Dawson.

I put my lunch tray away and turned around. He stood in the cafeteria with a hundred pair of eyes watching him. Now that he was on track to becoming a player on a D1 college basketball team, there were rumors that he could be in the NBA.

"Join us for lunch?" Luke invited me, "We came to eat here, since that's where you are."

Behind him, Austin was kicking people off the center table and Chad looked uncomfortable at how unsanitary everything was.

"Is someone going to clean this? Where's the service in this place?"

These boys were used to lunch in a private classroom with food delivery, music and the in crew. Divas.

Luke slid his arm around my waist, leading me towards them.

"I'd like to join, but I have mathlete practice," I said, declining the offer. "I'm on the team again and my technique's rusty."

If only he found me earlier during lunch when I was eating at LUCKY's table. The entire conversation had been based on him.

Luke tried to conceal his disappointment, but he was never good at it. I smiled at how adorable that was. His arm around my waist didn't release. If anything, he squeezed me closer to him until I kissed his cheek.

Then he let me go. I didn't want to leave him. Since he was a senior, he barely had any classes with me except for math. And I longed to spend more time with him during the day.

At least we had our date tomorrow.

*Luke's POV*

Luke walked towards the guys as they sat at a now empty lunch table. The table remained empty for 0.345 seconds before a group of girls flocked around them.

"We came out here and she didn't even join us?" Austin asked in dismay, watching Millie exit the cafeteria.

Chad took his muffin back from a girl who had flirtatiously taken it off his tray. He scooted closer to Austin and randomly changed subject.

"Luke," Chad said, "there's a girl I want to introduce you to. She's perfect, man. Hot and funny, plays tennis and speaks three languages. I could set you up this weekend. You two would be a great match."

Luke stared at him. Austin also stared at him.

"What are you even saying?"

"What?" Chad asked, "Did I miss something?"

After a minute, Luke sighed and let Austin explain.

"Luke and Millie are kind of a thing."

Chad dropped his muffin. "What?! When did that happen?!"

No one knew how Chad missed this. Luke and Millie's relationship had played out right in front of him. From the grotto to his own circus party...

"You know I got your back," Austin said, "but you are f*cking clueless sometimes, bro."

Chad flicked a carrot at him. Austin caught it, "Tonight I'm joining Millie and Bianca and those girls at some bar. I'll make sure Millie has a good time." He promised Luke, "And there'll be no drama. I swear."

*Four hours later, Millie's POV*

"THE COPS ARE HERE!" someone yelled.

Austin was pressed up against the wall as he was being cuffed for disobeying orders. He'd shoved an officer who was aggressively holding me. Our whole group was being rounded up and taken round back. Onlookers at the bar began to record the scene.

The Player Next Door  ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora