47 | Letter

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Chapter 47: Letter

The last thing I expected to see when I woke up was....

Luke Dawson, Jake Dawson, Austin Taylor, Chioma Dozie, Bianca Rodriguez and Chad. Or should I say, Roland Chadwick the Third.


And yet there they were, bizarrely dressed in matching colors as if they were auditioning for a 1990s pop band – in navy blue, white, black and gray.

"Hello?" I croaked.

"Hello? It's me..." Austin sang, wildly out of tune but points for Adele style emotion.

Meanwhile Chad went retro with: "Hello darkness my old friend..."

Luke smacked them both and looked guiltily down at me. He knew I didn't want to get involved with his mayhem anymore. The boys straightened up and tried to behave. They stood stiffly with their hands clasped behind their backs like school children.

"Can we focus back on me for a second here," Flora interrupted, "I don't understand why you're talking to Millie like you know her.  I'm the one you came for."

"No. You're not," Luke said, "I don't even know who you are."

He did not hesitate to burst her bubble.

"You're being disrespectful in their house," Jake muttered.

"They've shown Millie so much respect," Luke retorted sarcastically.

"It's her family," Jake fired back.

"And you're mine," Luke smirked, "But I didn't request that either."

"OK!" Austin interrupted, steering Luke away from his brother, "Dude, you can't be rude to her family. If you want to get the girl, you need to be liked."

Luke wasn't used to altering his behavior for anyone. He said it like he saw it.

Flora looked aghast, "S- s- so, you're here... but you're not here for me?"

Luke's blue eyes landed like lasers on her. "You can leave now."

"It's technically her house," Chad pointed out, not wanting to get involved though.

"She can still leave," Luke raised the question, "Unless you want her to stay."

"Well... no."

Damn. Luke was firing shots today.

I watched the whole thing unfold with fascination. This was the first time Luke has met Flora. And he left her looking like a deflated balloon.  Honestly, her face scrunched up in shock as she realized he was here for me. 

I was surprised that he was still here for me.

"You?" she repeated, staring at me in abject horror, "How could it be you?"

And then, my mum came back into the picture. Just when my family couldn't get any more embarrassing... they did.

She waltzed into the conversation, staring at the boys like they were puppies in a pet store, "There are so many of you. How do I pick?"

"You don't mum," I croaked like a bullfrog. My swollen face matched.

"So gorgeous," mum sighed, weaving around Chad and going on to admire Austin, "I can't take it. It's like I'm hosting auditions for the new James Bond movie here."

Austin gulped in fear. Chad made no sudden movements.

"Forgot to mention this part," Jake apologized. 

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