44 | Girls Support Girls

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Chapter 44: Girls Support Girls

The next morning, I went on my daily pilgrimage to the Coffee Bean. Matt was behind the counter again, unable to recognize me - again.

"Name," he robotically said.

"Matt, I told you-"

"Matt, hey, that's my name too. Cool," he scribbled 'Matt' onto my cup.

I should seriously start collecting these.

Matt and Flora were still dating and he still didn't know who I am.  Not to mention, I might actually be the Coffee Bean's most loyal customer.

The world instantly brightened with a cup of coffee in my hand. 

No Luke, no pop quizzes, the sun was shining, and I hadn't bumped into my ex-boyfriend since semester started. I also hadn't gone to any mathlete meetings, so that was why. Small wins.

My coffee cup was empty by the time I arrived at school.  I waited patiently outside the girl's bathroom. From time to time, Bianca would block the entire thing so she could b*tch someone out. Today was one of those days.

While I was in line, a girl tapped my shoulder, "Millie, is that you?"

I turned around and found Cearra (aka the 'C' in LUCKY) behind me. She was holding a palette of eye shadow that matched the floral choker she wore. She was waiting to apply her makeup in the bathroom mirror.

"Have you seen the photo?" she asked me.

Ironically, I'd never spoken to Cearra before. She became friends with Julia over the summer and was Julia's in into the LUCKY girl gang, but Julia had never introduced us.

"What photo?"

"The one Bianca Rodriguez posted on her Instagram. You're in it." Cearra stared at me like I was living under a rock, "You should know by now. It's kind of a big deal. Have none of your friends told you?"

I tried not to laugh. I guess she hadn't gotten the memo yet. I have no friends.

The bathroom doors opened, and Bianca walked out with Oma and a couple other girls. They left someone crying in one of the stalls. The line started to move as everyone filled in.

I stood back - nervous, confused and scared. The last time a popular girl took a photo of me, it was... I shuddered at the memory.

I asked hesitatingly, "What photo did Bianca post?"

Bianca was passing by with her entourage when she heard her name. She cast me a sideways glance and smirked. Then she moved on and her entourage followed, except for Oma. Oma hung back to rummage through her purse for something. Honestly, it looked like she was waiting to see my reaction.

"You haven't seen it?" Cearra asked me incredulously. She pulled her phone out and showed me, "Look. That's you!"

I leaned in.

Cearra pulled up Bianca's profile on her phone and clicked on the latest picture. It was a photo of Bianca in a yellow bikini in Chad's pool. She was posing on a pineapple floatie. And there, in the background, was me. Drinking lemonade.


"You're not tagged, but I'm pretty sure that's you," Cearra zoomed in for me, "It's amazing. I don't know how you started hanging out with that group of seniors, but people are talking."

I stared at the photo of me sitting on a lounger next to Luke.  I shuddered at the thought of he-who-will-not-be-named-again.

"Millie!" a male voice called my name.

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