20 | Capsize

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Photo is a little leading.... so I'm going to keep my mouth shut and let you read.  Enjoy.

Chapter 20: Capsize

The rain beat down in torrents over Camp Beaver Hill. A full moon cast an ethereal glow over the lake, where a rowing boat was stranded in the middle. The piercing screams of a little girl haunted the night. The wind carried her cries for help as she fell overboard.  

Fear was the chill that ran through my spine.  She could drown.

Suddenly, the cabin door opened, and Luke walked out. His blue eyes scanned the horizon, looking out at the rowing boat on the lake. He glanced over at me just as I was running up to him.

"It's Alicia and Dupree," I identified them. My voice cracked, from fear of what would happen to our campers.

Dupree screamed for help. The rain cascaded from the sky, in a heavy downpour around us.  They were stranded: two small kids.  Helpless.

Luke didn't hesitate. He sprinted towards them. He ran faster than I could ever dream to.

I heard Tamara catch up behind me, calling out his name.

I wasn't going to let him do this alone. There were two kids out there and they were half my responsibility. I pulled the straps off my heels and flung them aside. I raced down towards the lake.

The wind and rain beat against me, lashing against my face. I stared at the cold, dark lake ahead of me. Alicia and Dupree were somewhere out there.

I watched Luke far ahead of me. He was already close to the docks.

I was relieved he was here to help. He didn't slow down as he pulled his shirt off, throwing it aside, before diving in a perfect form into the dark lake. His stamina didn't fail him.

I heard the splash before I saw it.

"LUKE!" I yelled out in instinct.

I was afraid for him. He didn't come up to the surface for a long time, but when he did, he was already far out. He swam butterfly, his strong arms pushing through the water. His style was graceful and powerful.

I jumped in – taking a deep breath before hitting the water. Sharp pain struck my body from the icy water. I almost freaked out imagining all the fish swimming around, nearly touching my feet.

Then I concentrated and oriented myself. I rose to the surface, spluttering.

I wiped the water out of my eyes and searched for the rowing boat. I saw it bobbing in the distance and made out Dupree's shape, leaning over the boat, searching for Alicia.

"I'm coming!" I called out, more in motivation for myself than anyone else.

I swam a mixture of breaststroke, backstroke, front crawl and doggy paddle. I was already tired and doing whatever I could to get over there. I didn't have the power to do a butterfly – it was the fastest swimming style but the hardest.

"Millie?" A faint little voice called out into the night.

"Alicia?" I replied, the emotion rising up in my voice again.

I felt tears well up in my eyes as I swam in darkness around the rowing boat and saw her in Luke's arms. Her arms were wrapped around his neck, and her head was leaning against his chest. He held her in one arm as he treaded water beside the boat.

"She's ok," I said, swimming up to them both, "You're ok."

I wanted to kiss him I was so grateful. 

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