Chapter 4: Registration

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Raines groaned inwardly for the umpteenth time that night. Arthur flashed an apologetic smile her way, which as always helped to calm her rising temper. The young man had opted to go with a much darker complexion, dark brown hair parted at the right so the spiky pass just about brushed over his left brow. Even though he looked nothing like his real self, his facial features still retained that innocent cuteness that was a soothing balm all on its own.

Meeting up with Arthur had been easy. Immediately after orientation, Raines had made her way to The Patron. Arthur had recognized her as she passed the fountain, and they'd been waiting ever since. Not that it was too difficult for him: Apart from a few red streaks in thin shortened hair, and some dark eyeliner, Raines had chosen to remain as she looked in the real world. If Arthur and Dayle could use their real names because their covers were still intact, Raines could do without any change because she had never been involved in any operation that had the slightest chance of compromising her identity. One of the perks of being a sniper: anonymity.

Raines shuffled her feet as she glanced at the neon sign above her head. A little much? Maybe. But her patience had run out after getting drenched in the rain... Speaking of, why was it even raining? These cities were domed. Were there sprinklers up there? Were they being sprayed with sprinkler water? The thought was kind of annoying.


Raines blinked as Arthur's voice invaded her thoughts. "What? Didn't catch that."

"I think that's him," Arthur said and jerked his head towards an approaching Radi cowboy.

Raines rubbed her forehead. "Trust this fool to stand out like a searchlight." Her brows creased at the girl walking beside him. Three hours they'd been in this game. Three. And already he had a girl following him? Oh, what she wouldn't do to put one right between his eyes. "Who's your friend?" She asked as soon as they were within earshot.

"We're not friends," the girl shot back before Dayle could get his lying mouth open. "Only with this fool cuz he interfered in my business."

Wow, this girl had spunk. Plus she hated Dayle. Raines immediately liked her. "Name's Raines," she greeted, hand out. "You are?"

"Dacey," Dacey greeted in kind as she took Raines' hand. "Dacey Darius. Nice to meet ya." Beside her, Dayle did some sort of weird secret handshake with Arthur, then ruffled his hair. "So what're y'all? Some kind of team?"

"Nah," Dayle answered, "We're the most dysfunctional family you'll ever meet."

"Yeah," Raines confirmed, a bite in her voice as she continued, "The eldest brother's so stupid, the rest of us are stuck cleaning up his mess."

"Hey, keeps things interesting right," Dayle defended with a grin. "Right, Art?"

Arthur snorted as he shook his head. He smiled at Dacey, hand out, "Name's Arthur, but everyone calls me Art." He nodded when Dacey took his hand. "You get used to them eventually. They're like an old, married couple."

Dayle paled. "You couldn't wish worse on me man. Why you gotta do me like this?"

Arthur chuckled. "Come on, Dayle, we're late enough as it is. We have to sign up as a fireteam and join a faction."

"Ah, about that guys-"

Raines groaned, "What did you do?"

"He struck a deal with Vega," Dacey answered.

"Who's Vega?" Arthur asked.

"A lieutenant for Drask," Dacey revealed. "Pretty much runs this entire sector."

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