Chapter 1: Meet The Team

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Two figures braved the night winds on a certain helipad on the rooftop of one of New York's most prestigious buildings. The older of the two was an African-American in his mid-forties, decked out in full uniform. Several medals from his participation in the "War of Six Months" decorated his pocket. Dark brown eyes scowled at the night sky as he patiently awaited his charges. He spared a glance at the lieutenant by his side.

First Lieutenant Hailey Watson was as beautiful as she was cold. Perfect dark brown hair was cut short, front bangs sharper than a razor's edge. Her uniform was just as perfect: Starched till it was almost solid to the touch, and a tight skirt that stopped just above her knees. Matching brown stockings ran down her thighs to a pair of heels. "Major Sean Hughes, I do believe this constitutes sexual harassment."

Major Hughes' attention snapped back up to meet the Lieutenant's eyes. He felt his blood freeze as Lt. Watson glared at him with those cold popsicles she called eyeballs. "Er... It's cold isn't it." Jesus, with the pressure this woman gave, he would be forgiven for forgetting he outranked her.

"The weather's optimal for June. You should see a doctor."

Major Hughes opened his mouth to say something but stopped when his radio scrambled.

"The Prodigal Son has returned. I repeat, the Prodigal Son has returned, Over."

Hughes smiled. "Copy that. Guide him home, over."

Twin lights appeared in horizon, then rapidly approached. A hovercraft flew into view, circled the tower, then paused at the helipad Hughes stood on.

The Major raised his arms to block onrushing drafts from blowing dust into his eyes as the craft descended. Its landing gear slid out their locks, then balanced on the rooftop. With a slow hum, the engines gently powered down, allowing Major Hughes and Lieutenant Watson to approach as the door swung open.

Private Dayle Butcher was the first to disembark. He sported a huge grin as he ran a finger along neatly combed dark-grey hair. Unlike the Major, he was casually dressed. "Mmm...New York. Good to be back."

"For you maybe," Specialist Nina Raines chided as she fell in line beside him. Long, night black hair indigenous of her Native heritage was tied up in a high ponytail. "Always hated this dump. Too crowded, the air's terrible-"

"-but it's still home right?" Private Arthur Yount offered as he too got off the craft. Brilliant white hair was securely tied to his back to prevent it from spilling into dark grey eyes. "At least you guys get to see your home. Don't know when next I'll visit England."

Blue eyes flashed as Dayle chuckled. "See Raines, Art agrees with me. Why you gotta rain all over New York."

The glare she shot revealed her thoughts on the overplayed pun.


"Oops, my bad," Dayle acknowledged with a sharp salute. "Private Dayle Butcher of Blitz reporting for duty." Arthur and Raines mirrored the salute offering their respective titles and greetings.

Major Hughes returned the salute. "I'm not speaking to Blitz of the army... but Blitz of Intelligence. Welcome to New York, Special Agents Butcher, Raines and Yount." Hughes shook each members hand firmly as he called out their names. "To my right is Lieutenant Hailey Watson. She will be your handler for this mission."

Dayle's eyes widened, a lecherous smile spreading across his face as he gave her a quick once-over. "Ah, It's a pleasure," he greeted, extending his hand. "I'm-"

"I know who you are Agent Butcher," Lt. Watson rebuked with a tone that sent shivers down Dayle's spine. "Your file extensively reports your condescending attitude towards women, and your penchant for risking the mission for yet another 'conquest' as you once put it." Her hand clamped his in a vice-grip. "I will be frank, agent. I hate you."

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