Chapter 6: Hasuni

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Dustclouds rose behind three hover-bikes as they sped across the red wasteland. They climbed over old wreckages and zipped past rocky high outcroppings, headed north towards the abandoned city called Hasuni. The hover-bike were called Sprites: Small models given free to beginners. They had a max speed of 220 Km/h, a turbo engine for tight situations, and propulsion units that allowed the H-bikes to 'jump'. The model wasn't eye-catching, nor did it sport any additional armaments or defenses. It was a basic transportation vehicle.

Overhead, dark clouds approached from the East, echoes of grumbling elements following occasional flashes of light. A lightning storm. The lead vehicle sped up, its rider eager to beat it. He tapped his gauntlet, and a map appeared, showing his team's current location and the estimated time it would take to reach the marked waypoint. Three hours. He glanced warily at the approaching storm, then twisted the throttle. The H-bikes sped up.


A day ago,

The markets of the Outer Ring were a cesspool of dirt, and chaos, choked by every lingering stench from bodies and rotten produce. It was through this mess that Dee currently guided her latest roommates. Their purpose was to gain enough supplies for the four day trip to Hasuni and back.

"Do you have everything you need?" asked Dee, as she gave her newest roommates a once-over. Raines and Arthur remained the same, but Dayle had swapped his cowboy outfit for standard issue brown leather armor. He did find a way to wear a brown overcoat over the suit.

Dayle scrunched his nose in disgust as he assimilated a bag of provisions into his inventory. "You know, when I said affordable, I didn't mean gutter piss.

"They aren't as bad as they smell," Dee assured. Her lips curled in a sly smile, "Mostly."

Dayle groaned, "Thanks, that's very assuring."

"Come on Dayle, Surely they cannot be that bad?" Arthur reprimanded as he took a bit off a bar of 'something' that resembled a biscuit. Two crunches and sweat poured down a positively blue forehead. To his credit, he forced himself to swallow the morsel, then flashed a desperate smile. "W-well, this is certainly something."

Raines choked back her amusement as she patted Arthur's back. "That was very brave of you."

"Hey, at least it fills yer ungrateful stomachs," Dee chided, though her eyes were clearly laughing. "Now come on. I'll take you to the exit."

Dayle followed, a part of his mind addled by the sheer density of people. He'd heard game engines had made progress, but all these people, with their own consciousness... This was on a whole other level of cra—Whoa! Dayle was forced to duck in order to save his head as a figure zipped past on a hoverboard.

Dee chuckled, amused by Dayle's expression. "Probably late for a race or something."

"People race on those things?" Raines asked, tone incredulous.

"Yup," Dee nodded as they emerged to a much larger road. Unlike the others, no pedestrians walked on the main road. Vehicles of different kinds hummed silently to and fro. "The Outer Ring makes for the best obstacle courses. You guys should consider joining up sometime." Dee turned to them. "Alright, take out your sprites."

Dayle took a moment to understand, but then remembered the starter packs they had recieved. A quick search through his inventory confirmed what he was looking for. He double-tapped the icon, then stepped back as the bike constructed in front of him. Next to him, Raines and Arthur did the same.

The bike silently hovered off the ground through propulsion units beneath its frame. Dayle examined the bike with a keen eye. Oddly, the handlebars were tucked inside, and he couldn't find a throttle anywhere. He mounted the bike's low seat, then leaned forward in order to grab onto its handlebars. He made to place his feet on what looked like footpads on either side.

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