Chapter 36: Three Choices

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Low Guruk.

1830 Hours, July 31st, 3039.


"Great. Of all the places those VOK bastards could have hidden their base, they chose the jungle."

"Quit whining already. How long do you plan on keeping this up?"

Raines scolded Dayle as the young man struggled through thick foliage. Unfortunately for the duo, the V.O.K base's coordinates just so happened to be located at the heart of the Dreameater Tree's territory. Unlike the other, more urban territories, the Dreameater Tree's roots caused vegetation to flourish in its zone, leading to a thick forest forming around the ruins of crumbled buildings.

Currently, Dayle and Raines were making their way to the coordinates, while trying their best to avoid cutting any foilage. After all, it was impossible to know which ones were connected to the Dreameater Tree.

"Until we get out of this godforsaken place." Dayle grunted as he squeezed between two thick trunks that blocked a doorway. As they walked, Dayle could not help but wonder, "First the wasps, now a giant tree. Is it possible the VOK guys are building their bases in monster locations on purpose?"

Raines looked at Dayle. "What, you mean experimenting on wildlife like the Nexus were?" She paused and then added when Dayle confirmed with a nod, "I wouldn't put it past them. I mean the Patron apparently pays for monster corpses and cores. I imagine those guys are running their own secret experiments. Same thing. Different methods."

"Whoo..." Dayle let out a breath in amused shock. "So every faction is experimenting on the monsters? Isn't this the kind of setting that results in the birth of some genius monster that looks for revenge against all of us?"

Raines snorted. "I told you to stop watching Arthur's animes. Children like you are easily influenced."

"Please." Dayle chuckled sarcastically, and the duo continued their journey whilst trading insults and jabs. From the outside, most people would wonder how they could work together. However, Dayle and Raines utilized this system to soothe their nerves.

Anyone who claimed they got used to putting their lives on the line were either idiots, liars or psycopaths. Dayle and Raines had walked the thin line of death countless times, but it never got easier. So, in order to keep their focus and nerves, they developed a habit of talking through their missions. Well, why that talk ended up being eighty-percent insults and jabs was something only the duo could answer.

Thirty minutes later, Dayle stopped in his tracks. His brows were furrowed in a tight frown as he looked around. After a moment of deliberation, he turned to look at Raines. "Hey, have you noticed?"

Raines nodded. Her lips pursed as she too looked around her, "I don't feel anything."

"Exactly." Dayle hesitated. From the information provided, the Dreameater Tree's territory should have been a massive danger zone. However, despite having a heightened instinct for danger, Dayle had not once felt threatened. People like Dayle who had danced across the River Styx multiple times had keen senses for danger. For him not to feel anything either meant the enemy was far too cunning and stealthy, or...

"There's no danger?" Raines voice was incredulous. Even she did not believe her words. Shiverhorns, Sabertiger, Spidermonkeys and the Dreameater Tree. They were the four overlords according to Queen. She had no reason to lie to them, so for all intents and purposes, the Dreameater Tree should have been a great threat.

However, what was the reality? Dayle and Raines had not faced any opposition as they approached the massive tree in the distance.

Dayle glanced at a meter-thick root that stuck out of the ground, and then buried itself once again a couple of meters down the road. Queen's description was apt. The Dreameater's roots were plentiful and covered the entire territory. Strangely, however, Dayle did not feel threatened by the roots. If anything, they looked fragile. Like they would break at the slightest touch.

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