Chapter 19: TRASH

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July 28th 3039 A.D

Junkyard, Outer Ring,


"You want to make a deal?" Dayle asked, regarding the little girl with renewed interest. "What do you have to offer?"

Contrary to Dayle's expectations, Viper did not seem overly excited by his words. Her eyes calmly judged his reactions as she counter-asked, "Can you make the decisions?"

The corner of Dayle's lips stiffened. He naturally understood the cold, calculating nature of that question. If he was not capable of making decisions for his group, then he was not worth talking to. Furthermore, based on his reactions, she could use it to probe whether or not he actually had a crew. Heh, guess she wasn't a boss for nothing. With a lazy smile, he slid his hands into his jean pockets. "I can," he truthfully answered. "But I never make a decision without my crew present." Maintaining his lazy expression, he took a step forward.

Viper stiffened, but eventually chose not to retreat, eyes narrowing as Dayle neared. "What're you doing?"

"Follow me," Dayle said as he drew level, then passed her by, not forgetting to give the two boys behind her a polite nod as he did.

Viper turned around, eyes following the Augur's back. Her brows furrowed as she quickly came to a decision. "Phil, Jagz, I'll meet you guys back at the cove." Throwing those words over her shoulder, she took quick steps to catch up with Dayle.

The two boys, Phil and Jagz shared a resigned gaze with matching bitter smiles. They knew better than to question Viper's decision, even if they felt it could possibly place her in danger. Shaking their heads, they returned to their duty of looking over the children in the junkyard to ensure the greedy adults did not take advantage of them.

Oblivious to the thoughts of her subordinates, Viper finally drew level with Dayle, matching his steady, unhurried pace. She looked up, a question forming on her brows as she scrutinized his expression. Contrary to her expectations, there was neither pity, disdain or indifference in his eyes as they walked passed the scavengers, the three staple emotions most people felt. If anything, there was a slight smile at the corner of his lips, a tinge of nostalgia evident in his almost far-away look. The sight was so jarring, she could not help but ask, "What're you thinking of?"

"Hmm?" Dayle murmured distractedly as he looked down to the little girl by his side. The tiny smile at the corner of his lips spread a little wider as he said, "My childhood."

Viper's gaze turned incredulous. "This junkyard reminds you of your childhood?"

"Not the junkyard per se," Dayle corrected with a chuckle. "I grew up in a country that had suffered terribly from several wars and guerrilla battles over many years. To make matters more complicated, Dad was a citizen of the country which destabilized ours, so we were plenty hated. While we were lucky to escape death, we had to scavenge for food from eateries' leftovers and sell plastic bottles we got from the trash in order to get enough food to eat."

Viper's shoulders stiffened. She could not marry the image of the confident, overbearingly arrogant Augurs to the picture of a desolate youth drawn by this man. It just did not add up. Although she was skeptical, she only said, "Sounds rough."

"Rough huh," Dayle chuckled, a weird twinkle in his eyes. "Strangely, I never thought of it that way back then. I was born into the life and knew no other. It wasn't weird to go hungry for a few days, and I enjoyed each meal like I was a king."

Viper's eyes narrowed. Indeed, although it may seem like those at the bottom of society were always destitute, the kids, knowing no other way of life could find the greatest joy in the smallest of things. Most people who grew up with privileged lives never understood this, and always assumed those poor children were sad, desolate, miserable beings forsaken by fate. "So, how'd you escape?"

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