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When I'm depressed or stressed, the first thing I do is get out my sketchbook and draw. It really helps me calm down and forget about what's going on around me. I drew this one when I had to leave all my friends behind and move to a new school. (high school) I was feeling really lonely and like I wasn't connected any more.

If you didn't know, angels are a huge inspiration for my drawings. Their feathery wings, pastel colors, radiance, and gentleness.

So this one was inspired by that.

Step 1: draw a circle for the face on the right corner of your paper. Draw a shoulder and her neck. Also do a rough sketch of her wing by doing a curved line in the shape of a wing.

Step 2: for her face start at the top of your circle and draw a outward slight curve as her forehead, don't lift your pencil. If you have to, then you may, but I find it easier to draw a side face by doing it all at once. Then slightly curve in and then out for her nose. After the nose do the cupids bow and a sideways m for her mouth, then do a chin shape and draw inwards, creating her neck.

Step 3: Next is her hair. I did more shaped hair, but wild would be nice to.

Step 4: Next do her wings by doing choppy points like rough animal fur for the edge. Then draw the details of the wing by doing quick flicks with your pencil.

Step 5: Her eye is my favorite part. It's red which shows she also has a hateful side to her angel like appearance. Just draw an acute angle with the iris looking back. Draw eyelashes and your done!

Notice: I announced an upcoming contest in my Art Book. I am still thinking of an idea, but I have a few good ones. Once it reaches 250 reads, I'll announce it all.

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