Chapter Two

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(Words in bold are mind linked)


I follow my father in his office to have the 'talk'. He sits down on the couch and I sit down on the love sit facing him. We both remain silent and stare each other down, waiting for the other to start talking.

"I think this is the time you start giving me an explanation." He breaks the silent by stating the obvious.

"Dad, I'm sure Cad told you enough to know what's going on, so I am not explaining anything." I respond sighing, once again feeling tired.

"Yes he did, but I thought you may have something else to tell me," I roll my eyes at him. What else could I have to say, that Cad lied to him? No.

"I'm offended you didn't think of telling me your problems." He says with a sad face.

"Well, maybe if you were around, I could have told you about it," I mumble to myself but of course with werewolf super hearing, he hears me just fine.

"We've talked about this Kacper," he starts. Oh, here comes the lecture. "You can call me when you need me. I may be the alpha but you are my child. I will always come running at your call." He points out seriously. "Besides, it's not just me. You can even talk to Kelvin if I am out of reach. Your brother is always there for you," he adds.

Wanting to end this fast, I drawl out an apology and a promise to always reach out to them.

He scoffs finding my words empty though he doesn't point it out.

"Anyway, I called you here to inform you of your departure tomorrow. You will leave early in the morning considering it's a one day journey to reach their boarders." He announces and when he sees I'm about to protest, he raise his hand up meaning it's not up for discussion.

"I've already called Alpha Cephas telling him of your problems and he too thought it best if you leave now." He concludes standing up.

"But dad, it's only a month. I can manage and I can't just leave now. What about Kelvin? I haven't even say goodbye to him and Cadmael will be lonely if I just up and leave now. I don't want to leave my friends behind. Please consider that and give me at least a week." I voice out my complaints. I can't leave tomorrow.

"First of all son, you only have one friend and he will be leaving with you as well. And a month is too long and too risky. About Kelvin, he is on his way now to say his goodbyes. So those excuses are not enough to keep you here. Anything else you want to say?" He asks smiling knowing he won. "And I know you finished your studies so you are very much capable of leaving now." He adds with a smirk.

"Okay, at least I will have Cad with me." I agree, deciding not to prolong the losing battle. "Can I leave now?" I ask standing up and stretching out. A yawn escapes my mouth suddenly. He looks at me with a distant look and smiles. Knowing that look, I know he is thinking of my mother. She died giving birth to me. It was a critical condition with choices of either me or my mum to survive and by my mother's choice I got to live.

I look so much like my mother or so I'm told. I have her brown eyes and black curly hair at shoulder length. My height, 5'8 is as far as I can grow.

"DAD!" I shout, deciding to end his day dream or else it will keep on going.

"Huh, what?" He looks at me frowning. "And why are you shouting? I'm not deaf you know, right?"

I'm tempted to laugh but I manage to hold it in.

"I wanted to let you know that I am leaving to my room so I can start packing. Send Kelvin up there once he arrives here."

With that, I head out of his office without waiting for his consent to allow me to leave. Going up to my room I grimace at the thought of starting packing.

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