Chapter Thirty

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Days later


I slowly get up from bed to avoid waking Elijah. He was working late yesterday because he doesn't want to have work on his son's birthday, so he's very tired. Luckily I manage to get out of the bed and change into something presentable before leaving the bedroom to prepare breakfast for my family.

I start cooking Roman's favorite food and since it's a day before our Roman's birthday, I will let him have what he wants for breakfast. In the midst of preparing bacon, pancakes, eggs and other things, EJ joins me cooking. He wakes up early even when he was a baby, he used to wake me up so early to start the day.

"Dad we are almost done in here and I think it's a good idea to wake Roman now." EJ says and I smile at him. At first I was a bit offended to not have him call me his mother but now I just got used at it even I really expected him to at least address me as his mother but I guess dad is better than nothing.

"Yeah we should wake him up. I wonder why he isn't up yet, he is always up early. I will go check him and you should finalize things here." I say and remove the apron. It's true that Roman is always up early just not like EJ but not this late. I was so caught up in cooking that I didn't realize he slept in today.

I enter his bedroom and find him in bed still sleeping. The room is messy which says something since he doesn't like a messy room. I pick up the clothes on the floor and put them in place. I organize his shoes and dolls in necessary places. I hear a moan and I look up to him on the bed. When I don't hear anything else, I shrug and continue tidying the room. A moan sounds in the room again but this time it is followed by a groan and many more moans.

I rush to the bed and see he is sweating. I remove the blanket and move his hair that's sticking on his face but when my hand makes contact with his face, I immediately pull away. His body is hot, very hot. I shake him awake but he's too weak to keep his eyes open for long. I scream in panic at what is wrong with my baby and call for Elijah. The door opens and EJ appears and not long after his father comes in too.

"What is it babe? Is he okay?" El asks and I shake my head miserably.

"What is wrong with him?" This time EJ ask and I look from him to Roman lying on the bed and groaning now and then.

"I don't understand too. His birthday is tomorrow so why is he going in heat now?" I explain to them.

"Are you sure he's on heat? I mean, you might be mistaken and it might be only a fever."

"Do you think I'm stupid not to know when my own son is in heat or sick fever?" I yell at El and he raises his hands.

"Okay, fine. I'm sorry babe, I was just making sure." El says and I look away from him.

"Get me cold water and a towel. We should try to lessen his body heat." EJ leaves the room to get what I said and I sigh.

"I'm sorry El. It's just that I'm worried about our son. I hope his mate will not choose to ignore the mate call." I whisper and he comes to me and wraps me in his arms.

"Don't be so worried. Whoever it is will come either today or tomorrow. It depends on how long they will travel." He assures me and we stay that way until EJ comes back.

That is how I spend the day, attending to Roman. El had to leave for some meeting. Sometimes his body would cool down and he was able to eat and sit up but then it would go back to heating up. I wish I could give him the pills but it won't work on him. Nothing could work unless if it was his mate's touch. I only hope they will reach here faster and end the heat for my son because a prolonged heat is more than torture.

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