Chapter Nineteen

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It has been two weeks since Elijah left and I'm so glad the office has kept me busy enough. Two weeks is very long to be away from a mate and I'm happy to know that he will be coming tomorrow. He always called me before I sleep, just to ask how my day was. Some nights I was already asleep, so he talked to Liam.

Speaking of Liam, I should say I'm now used to the fact that I have a guard who will always be around me. I always knew I had guards before, but the difference with Liam is that I can see him while the others stayed out of my sight. I also learned that he is from the tribe and personally trained by Jemima, to serve the Luna of Lunas. He is mateless and is sure that his mate is dead.

One could be mateless due to death of your mate either before you meet or earlier before you're claimed or claim. Some do have second mates but it's not common. You just know on your own when your mate dies. I can't explain the feeling very well because I don't know what it feels like, but I do know it's never a good feeling.

It's perfect timing for Elijah to come tomorrow because I'm positive, I will be in heat tomorrow. To find his mate in heat will be the best welcome home gift you can give to an alpha. It will be my first heat together and I want it to be perfect.

A knock on the door manages to bring me out of my thoughts. I'm currently in the office, replying to some emails I got during the week. I call; whom I'm sure is Liam, to come in.


"What is it, Liam?" I ask while I finish my last email and I quickly send it then look up in his direction.

"The head omega of the house wants to see you." He says with a slight bow of his head, a habit most seem to do now that I'm the Luna, but I've noticed much of Liam maybe because he's always around.

"I will be done here in a minute. Tell her to wait for me." He soon leaves after responding to me and I put things in order before I leave. Once I'm satisfied with how it looks, I leave the office. I know I could have someone set up things in the office but I prefer to do it myself.

I walk down the office hall and exit the office building. I meet Liam just outside of the office building and he's now a few steps behind me. I meet the head omega, who is Xavier's mate, Harley. She is in charge of all the omegas in the pack house and makes sure work is done perfectly from cooking to cleaning.

"Harley," I call her name and she stands from where she was seated and faces me, after a bow of course. "What brings you out of the kitchen?" I ask since she's always there being a chef too.

"Luna, I greet you." I nod at her greeting. "I came to see you because there has been an issue among the omegas."

"What issue?"

"Things have been missing or more like stolen, for a long time and luckily we now have the thief exposed." She explains and that surprise me.

"A thief?" I ask still not believing it.

"Yes Luna. She has been stealing for a while and almost from everyone. I've managed to deal with it but there's so much I can do and hereby requesting your presence."

"Let's go, I should meet her." I state.

I meet the omega, Samantha, who has been stealing from the others. After asking what made her do so, I find it is because she has a poor family that needs all the help she can get. She started working in the pack house, in hopes of making more money but it's still not enough to pay back the family's debts and for food. That reason made her steal in order to make more and more.

Though there is an understandable reason to why she stole, it is not good enough to justify her actions. Stealing wasn't a mistake she made but a choice. She chose to steal from others who also worked hard to earn what they could and her selfishness made her steal that from them. She didn't see her friend's suffering but only hers.

I send her packing and to never come back here, in the pack house. I ask the division where she comes from and she tells me its division two. I take my phone and call the Luna.

"Hello," Christine, Alpha Owen's mate answers.

"It's me, Kacper."

"Luna, I humbly greet you."

"Thank you, Christine. I called about Samantha Hill; do you know the Hill family?" I start talking to her and tell her of Samantha's issue. She promises to check out the family and to pay the debt in order to end the stealing. She will also have her work at the division pack house.

I walk back to the main house and I bluntly stop due to dizziness I felt. I feel my forehead to find the skin hot and sweaty.

"Are you okay, Luna?" Liam asks as he stands now by my side, ready to catch me if I fall.

"I'll be fine. I think I had a long day, maybe sleep is all I need at the moment." I continue walking to my room but with care because I'm still dizzy and Liam walks beside me. When I reach the room, I make a bee line for the bedroom and just throw myself on it, for a good rest since it isn't night yet.


I wake up in the night and after seeing the clock on my desk, it was a minute after 07 pm. My body feels hot and I enter the bathroom for a cold shower. I stand under the running water for who knows how long but soon I get out. At least I feel better now and I dress in shorts ​and t shirt to cook something.

I didn't get along with the heat from cooking so I just settled for a sandwich and a cold cup of juice. I'm sweating heavily when I'm done eating and I go to my room and remove the clothes I had on. The moment my short rubs on my member, I moan loudly and the need to touch myself grows. I can't believe I didn't know that I am in heat all this time.

I ignore the burning need to touch myself and start looking for the pills. I find the empty bottle of pills in my bag and then I remember why it is not filled. I expected my heat tomorrow and knowing Elijah will be here to tend to me, I had no need to get more pills from Chris.

In other words, I'm totally screwed because this will definitely be a long night, alone.



Xavier pull up in the drive way and I quickly get out of the car. It has been a long two weeks indeed and after finishing my work earlier than planned, I immediately left Jonathan's pack. When I called my baby, I found out he was resting earlier than normal and I got worried which made Xavier to drive faster.

I run up the stairs, eager to see my mate and find if there was a problem. I nod to Liam, whom I find standing by the door to our room and he leaves after he greets me. I open the door and most amazing scent slaps me in the face. Taking in a deep breath, the scent that hits me makes me fumble with my jeans in hurry to open them and free my hardening member.

By the sounds coming from the bedroom and the scent lingering in the whole room, I think I know my mates problem.


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