Chapter 11

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(3rd PoV)
"What the hell? Seriously (Y/N)? You seriously hired some Fairy Tail wizards to beat me up?" Hitashi asked with a look of disgust.

"These are the friends that I told you about when we dated..! But you didn't believe me because you couldn't meet them, since they were stuck on Tenrou Island." (Y/N) said as she hugged Natsu's arm.

"These are your 'friends'? It's hard to believe that the strongest team in Fairy Tail are your friends." Hitashi said as he took a step towards (Y/N). (Y/N)'s eyes widened as she hugged Natsu's arm tighter.

Team Natsu then stepped foward. "Touch her and it'll be the last thing you do." Gray said. "You wouldn't want to mess with someone who is part and is friends with Team Natsu." Erza said with a dark aura.

(Your PoV)
"And why wouldn't I?" Hitashi asked, with a cocky tone. 'This asshole. Talking to Erza like that is a big no no.'

"Because I've gotten stronger, you ass." I said, finally having the courage to speak. "Oh, so you still talk. And I doubt you've gotten stronger. The last time we were together, I remember kicking your ass." Hitashi said.

'This little-' "She has gotten stronger! You wouldn't know since you were too busy beating someone else!" Wendy blurted out. As soon as she said that, she covered her mouth. "Wendy!" Carla exclaimed.

"What did you say, you little brat?!" Hitashi exclaimed as he shoved past me and headed towards Wendy. I stumbled, but Natsu caught me. 'He is not going to hurt Wendy. Not on my watch.'

As Hitashi was about to hit Wendy, I ran up behind him and tripped him. Carla moved Wendy out of the way, so she wouldn't get hit by Hitashi.

"You're so pitiful Hitashi. Picking on a child just to make yourself seem stronger." I said with a disgusted voice.

He looked up at me and stood up. I felt Natsu walk towards him, but I put my arm out, stopping him. "I got this Natsu." I said.

"Are you picking a fight, (L/N)?" Hitashi asked. "No, but you sure are." I said with a cold tone.

He swung at me, but I caught his fist. His eyed widened and he scowled in annoyance. Hitashi swung again with his around hand, but I caught it.

"I suggest you stop now, before you get hurt." I growled out. He was about to kick me, but I twisted his arms inward, making his legs give out from under him and falling onto the ground.

I took a step back next to Natsu and smiled innocently. "Okay, we're done here. Let's go guys." I said as I started to walk away, leaving them all in awe, except Hitashi. He was still in pain.

'That was fun.'

I then heard Team Natsu run up to me. I was then lifted up by Natsu, bridal style. I blushed lightly and looked at him.

"That was awesome (Nickname)!" He said as he grinned. "Yeah, that was pretty cool." Gray said. I chuckled, "Thanks guys."

We then all arrived at the train station and Natsu was still carrying me. "Um.. Natsu, you can put me down now.." I said as I squirmed around. "I know, but I don't want to." He said as he tightened his grip on me. I blushed which made everyone chuckle.

As we sat down in our seats, Gray asked me the most ridiculous question, which made me want to strangle him.

"(Y/N), are you tsundere?"

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