Chapter 17

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(3rd PoV)
"You are such an idiot..! I can't believe you still haven't realized it yet." (Y/N) exclaimed out as her eyes filled up with tears.

"What are you talking about (Y/N)..?" Natsu asked.

"You see me as a little sister that you have to always protect.. But I see you as something different.." (Y/N) said as she looked at the ground and clenched her fists.

"..I'm in love with you Natsu!" (Y/N) cried out as she looked up at Natsu, with tears streaming down her face.

(Your PoV)
Natsu looked at me with a look of shock.

His face then changed to a sorrowful one. "(Y/N).. I don't-" Natsu began.

I shook my head, making him pause. I looked away from him and took a shaky deep breathe.

"I know that you don't like me in that way.. You see me as a little sister, yes I know. I.. I just wanted to tell you because you were so oblivious to my feelings about you..!" I said as more tears fell down my face.

I could sense Natsu looking at me with a pained expression. "I'm really sorry (Y/N).." He said as he placed his hand on my cheek, wiping away the tears.

I shook my head, "Don't be.. I already saw this coming..".

"Can.. Can you please just go? Please.." I asked. Natsu sighed and nodded. He left through the same window he came in, closed it and left.


After I closed all of the curtains in my room, I fell onto my bed and curled into a ball.

Tears immediately started to pour out of my eyes again and I began to sob.

"Wh-What did I do wrong.. Why doesn't he like me?!" I cried out.

'My chest hurts so bad.. Is this what it feels like to have a broken heart..? Is this what it feels like.. When someone doesn't love you back..?'

I sniffled and sat up slowly. I hung my legs over the edge of my bed with my feet touching the ground.

I stood up slowly and walked over to my bay window. I moved the curtain a little bit and looked out the window. 'Rain..'

I took a step back and let the curtain fall back.

I started to shake slightly and dove back into my bed. I went under the covers and curled into a ball. I closed my eyes and attempted to fall asleep.

I then sensed a flash of lightning and felt the ground shake. I heard the roar of it and closed my eyes tighter.

(Flashback, 3rd PoV)
It was a dark and cloudy day when 8 year old (Y/N) and her little sister were outside in their backyard. "Nee-chan, come push me!" Yui said, (Y/N)'s 6 year old little sister, who was on the swing.

"No, we have to go inside! It looks like it's going to rain!" (Y/N) said as she stood in front of Yui.

Yui shook her head. "No! I don't want to go inside!" She exclaimed.

"Don't make me get mommy and daddy Yui!" (Y/N) said.

Yui shook her head again. "I don't care! I want to keep swinging!" She screamed out.

"Fine. I'm getting mommy and daddy!" (Y/N) exclaimed.

She ran towards the back door of their house. (Y/N) threw open the door and stood in the doorway.

"Mom! Dad!" She yelled.

Her parents ran downstairs and stood in front of (Y/N). "What's wrong dear?" Her mom asked with a worried look.

"Yui doesn't want to come inside! I told her to come inside because it looks like its going to rain, but she didn't listen to me!" (Y/N) said as her hair moved around behind her due to the strength of the wind outside.

"Okay, stay inside. We'll go get your sister." Her dad said.

(Y/N) nodded and stayed inside of the house with the door closed.

Her parents walked to the tree where Yui was and stood in front of her.

Even though that her parents said that Yui could come back outside after the rain, Yui started to wail.

Almost immediately rain started to pour outside, making Yui wail louder.

Ignoring her wails, her dad picked her up. Her mom and dad then started to walk to the house, but stopped when Yui began to bang on their dads back.

The ground then began to shake.

(Y/N) looked out through the window with wide eyes.

Right before her eyes, (Y/N) saw her family get struck by lightning.

(Y/N) screamed loudly as her eyes filled with tears.

Yui fell out of her dads arms and then her parents fell onto the ground.

(Y/N) ran out of the house and towards her family. She got onto her knees in front of her family. Their chests weren't rising at all.

They were gone.

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