Chapter 55

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I feel guilty about leaving you guys on a cliffhanger last chapter, so here you go! ^-^

~ Mrs. Nanase


(3rd PoV)
"Hey Natsu, what the hell do you think you're doing?" (Y/N) yelled out as she held onto the ledge.

"(Y/N)!" Erza, Gray, and Laxus said.

Also the rest of Fairy Tail.

Natsu lifted up his head as he heard (Y/N)'s voice.

"Yeah, I'm talking to you, idiot!" (Y/N) yelled.

Natsu slowly sat up and saw Sting smirking and Rogue in the background, looking down the hole where Gajeel fell through in the mine cart.

"Get your ass up and beat the crap out of those guys! I could practically hear you and Iron-Head losing, so I woke up! So get your behind up off the ground and show them how strong the dragon slayers from Fairy Tail can be!" (Y/N) yelled, before her legs fell out from under her.

Laxus immediately caught her and wrapped an arm around her waist, as (Y/N) slung her arm over Laxus's neck.

Gray went to (Y/N)'s other side and slung (Y/N)'s other arm around his neck.

".. Natsu, I know you heard me. So why the hell aren't you getting up?!" (Y/N) yelled weakly.

But Natsu still heard her.

A shadow cast over his eyes as he grinned widely, showing his fangs.

"Yeah yeah, I heard you Dovey. Stop nagging me." Natsu said as he slowly stood up.

"Why you-" (Y/N) began she attempted to jump into the arena, but failed due to Laxus and Gray, and even Erza holding her back.

"Coal-Head, stop making her mad! She may be exhausted, but she's still strong!" Gray yelled out as (Y/N) continue to struggle.

Natsu chuckled as he looking at Sting and Rogue, who were looking at him in shock.

"How did you.." Sting said with wide eyes.

"Whenever I hear my guild members- no nakama, cheer me on, that gives me the strength to keep fighting." Natsu said as his fists became engulfed in fire.

The whole crowd cheered, especially Fairy Tail.

"Let's go Pinkie!" (Y/N) yelled as she did the Fairy Tail symbol, followed by everyone else in Fairy Tail.


"Annddd, the winners are Natsu and Gajeel from Fairy Tail! Even though Gajeel is not present right now.."

The whole stadium shook from all of the cheers.

"That's my Natsu.." (Y/N) said as Laxus and Gray helped her walk to where Natsu was, since he somehow already got out of the hole and out of the arena.

The rest of Fairy Tail followed behind.

"I can walk the rest of the way." (Y/N) said as they neared the place where Natsu was supposed to be coming out of.

"Are you sure?" Gray asked.

(Y/N) nodded, making Laxus and Gray let go of her.

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