Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 :

It’s been a few days now, I’ve been keeping myself busy, cleaning the house and even the garden outside our trailer while moms been at work. I’ve snuck out a couple of times through my window to go to the waterfall during the night, every single time I was there , the brown wolf was there, he would lie next to me with his head on my lap while I scratched his head and told him stories about my mom and dad when i was younger. I knew it wasn’t safe out in the woods but I knew as long as he was there I had nothing to worry about.

Sitting on the bench on the patio, drinking outta my water bottle I see mom’s car pull up and out jumps her and Amber laughing like teenagers.

“Get ready Hun, we going out tonight and you’re coming with us, you need to get out of this house and have some fun!”Amber says running up to me dragging me behind to mom’s room. I just follow, not really sure what to say – obviously I want to get out of this house but not sure if I want to go anywhere with those two.

“Hmmm what should you wear?” mom says as she looks through the clothes in her closet, “Ooh what about this Lex ? And you can wear those black boots of yours, the ones that go just above your ankles? “She says as she holds up these skinny jeans with this black and gold vest, its actually something I would wear. “Or….” She drags on, pulling out this little leopard print dress, “you could wear this??” she says smirking at me. “Nope, that’s okay this will do, thanks.” I say snatching the jeans and vest walking away laughing at her.

Moments like this remind me of how much I miss my mom, the sober one. I’m actually excited to spend time with her , I haven’t really spent time with her for a while but since she seems like she’s in a good mood tonight , I have a feeling that I could actually be able to enjoy myself tonight and actually act my age.

After getting out the shower and getting dressed ,I blow dry my hair and straighten all the fuzzy bits, fixing my side path so it’s just a little messy and not too perfect , then put some makeup on , deciding on a smokey eye and a little bit of pink blush on my cheeks with pink lip gloss. I put my black leather jacket on to fit with the outfit and brush my hair to the side. Walking out the room I see mom and Amber get their bags and head out telling me how good I look. I just blush and mutter a quiet thanks.

Mom and Amber tell me that we just going down town to the bar they both work at so that I can meet some of their friends. The bar looks like any other “pub & grill” , there’s a small stage up front with a couple tables and chairs all around the floor, some corner tables and chairs along the sides with some families obviously having their dinner , the walls are covered in photos and old records , with some instruments on display. Pulling me from my thoughts is Amber’s squeaky voice by the bar; mom comes up grabbing my arm and pulling me in Amber’s direction, I get introduced to what’s seems to be all the staff at “Scruffys Bar”. I sit there chatting for a while, sipping on my coke keeping an eye on mom.

Mom puts down a tray of shots on the table, I’m glancing around the bar looking around when I spot a table full of kids my age, there’s five of them., I look at all of them ; there’s a girl with dark makeup on, her lips are dark and she also has a couple facial piercings , unlike my small nose stud she has a proper ring, she has her arm around another girl , who seems to be Asian “they must be a couple” I think because of the way they are looking and talking to each other , it looks intimate. The other side of the table is a girl and guy , the girl has blond shoulder length hair and she’s chatting and laughing with the guy next to her , the guy she’s chatting to , has brown curly hair and quite the baby face .

Looking at the other side of the table I see a guy staring at me with a smirk on his face, he’s obviously caught me checking out his friends. He nods his head as if to say hi, I do the same and feel my cheeks heating up at the way he’s looking at me, he’s gorgeous and should definitely not be looking at plain old me like that, he has dark long black hair that just touches his collar, he’s tan with the most perfect face I have ever seen, high cheek bones and what looks like green eyes, I’m not that close so I can’t get a good look. I stop myself from staring at him I need to stop drawing any more attention from him, attention I don’t want – even if it did feel good for a moment to have someone look at me the way he did, reminding myself that we probably even aren’t going to stay here that long - mom says that this time will be different and she’s going to change “yeah right...not gonna get my hopes up”, I’m not going to get attached to anyone , this way is better , this way I can cope. Luckily mom grabs my attention by handing me a shot.

“C’mon honey just one shot, and then you can go back to your coke and carry on ogling that fine piece of ass in the corner, “she says and she winks at me.

“Georgina! shhhh … arg !” I say putting my head down to hide my embarrassment.

“Oh C’mon girl, just have a shot with us old ladies “Amber says pushing the glass my way, “it will be our little secret“she smiles at me.

“Okay … let’s do this, but no more after this one! Someone has to be sober enough to drive your drunken ass’s home,” I down the shot and tap it on the table. “Wow, that’s delish! What was that?” i say looking at Amber.

“That my dear was a shot of caramel tequila! I knew you’d like it, I know you love caramel.” Mom says as she drunkenly wobbles to my side with her arm over my shoulder. I sit her down on the chair and ask one of the passing waitresses for a glass of water.

“Mom, how much have you had to drink, this is only your second drink, why are you falling all over the place?” I say kneeling so I’m eye level with her , moving a piece of her hair out of her face I look at her eyes and I can see that she’s not drunk, she’s high. The waitress brings her water, I make her drink it.

“Oh NOW I’m your mother? “She slurs, “Now you wanna call me mom?” She starts yelling and I can see people start to look our way.

“I’m not going to get into this argument with you here!” I whisper yell at her and point my finger at her, like a mother would do when disciplining their child.

“I’m going to the bathroom quick, and when I come back, I’m taking you home! “ I tell her and look at Amber,

“I’m going to the bathroom, when I come back we are going home , if you want to get a lift with us back , get your yourself ready,” I say , she leans on my mom and they start giggling like naughty children.

I don’t really need the bathroom , but I need to wash my face or something , because if I don’t cool down I might end up embarrassing myself by having a huge blow out with my mother in front of all these people .

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