Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 :

Back to Lexi POV....

He dropped me off at home and walked me to the door, the type of thing you would expect after going on a date, he grabbed me into a big hug and squeezed me tightly as if he didn’t want to let go and I held him just as tight enjoying his warmth and his sweet cinnamon like smell. Eventually we let go and he kisses my forehead, “I’ll see you tomorrow at school okay?” he says.

“Thanks for a great afternoon; I had a good time, bye Drake.” I say hesitantly walking away opening my front door.

Closing the door behind me , I hear his car drive away, my phone makes a sound indicating a new message.

Ronny: “Lexi! U went home with Drake?? Chlo jus told me. Tel me wen ur home & il come over. Wana hear everything!”

Lexi: “Yip , just got home , come on ova.”

I quickly jump in the shower and start making supper since moms got the evening shift at work.

I hear the door open and Ronny walks in like she lives here. She gives me a hug and sits on the table while I heat up the microwave mac and cheese.

“Soooo…. What did you guys do? You’ve been gone quite a while, Jax has been fucking rashing me about your whereabouts?” she starts snickering.

“What’s his problem? Why did he want to know where I was? We went and had ice-cream by the beach , it was so nice , I don’t know why but we get along so well… it's kinda like I’ve known him forever…he seems so familiar… yeah Ron I know …I’m weird!” I say with a smile on my face, shrugging her off with the slight wave of a hand.

“Awww… I’m so happy! NO! You are not weird, don’t say that,and don’t worry about Jax , I guess he’s just over protective being one of your closest friends , even though he knows Drake won’t do anything to hurt you , he just wants to make sure your safe ,don’t stress bout it babe. But….what IS weird, is how Drake is with you, he’s not always that friendly, you know how Jax was today with Rachel when she saw that slut with her hands all over her ma…um...Man - you saw how uptight and angry he was? Well Drake is kinda like that ALL the time! But today was so weird…. it’s like you totally calmed him. Well anyways... how do you feel about him? “She says this with such honesty and I can see in her expression she is telling the truth but I still get the feeling that she’s hiding something from me.

Getting my food from the microwave, I get two forks and give her one, sitting on the table next to her ,” Well I know it’s so soon ,but I really like him...” I blush ,” and I never knew he was like that he just seems so …you know…like the boy next door type but hotter , I can’t imagine him getting angry like that jeeesh – and that whole thing with Jax scared the living shit outta me! I won’t lie. Okay I’m going to be honest with you and whatever I say stays between us too okay?” she takes her finger & crosses her heart, she carries on eating the mac and cheese watching me ,” okay well you know , you asked me how I felt about Jax , and I said I only have friendly feelings for him? Well… I kinda didn’t tell you the whole truth , you see with Jax my feelings are so different , like we are really close and when I’m with him- it’s just about him, i forget about all my other problems and I don’t think about anything else and then when I’m with Drake it’s totally different , I can’t explain. I don’t quite know what I feel for Jax but I know I don’t want to lose him, I can’t lose him and I need him in my life – just like I need you…” I smile at her ,she returns my smile and pats my hand, “…and even though Jax is one of my best friends that I have here, along with you ,when we got to school today I got so fucking jealous when I saw him with all those girls at school , the ones that hang all over him.

As soon as I met Drake though, that all changed and I didn’t care who was hanging on Jax’s arm all I worried about was Drake and if these girls do the same with him?" I laugh it off like it was nothing , I look at her and she’s got this strange look on her face then she presses her lips in a line like she wants to say something .

“Ronny? What is it? What aren’t you saying? “I ask her nervously.

She lets out an unlike Ronny squeal and gives me a big hug almost dropping our food, “okay well I wasn’t going to say anything coz I wanted everything to just unravel by itself but I just can’t keep it in anymore… from the moment Drake saw you, YOU are all he’s been talking about, asking us questions, he liked you from the first time he saw you he’s been driving us nuts like every day, my gosh..” then her eyes widen like she said something she shouldn’t have.

“Wait? What do you mean “everyday”? Today was the first time I met him?” I say slowly trying to figure out what she meant.

“Oh sorry, I meant …um…all day today, “ she stutters.

Something’s not right here, with all the whispers that have been going on and looks they give each other when they around me, it’s obvious they keeping something from me….” I think to myself.

Ronny’s phone goes off, she says her goodbyes and rushes out the door.

I clean up the kitchen and work on some homework. Jumping into bed that night, thinking about the day I had and all the little remarks my friends have been saying and brushing it off as of they were mistakes - i can feel something is not right ....eventually I fall into a deep sleep.

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