Chapter 14

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I wake up to someone’s hand around my waist and my back against a big strong chest with my legs dangled with someones warm legs in front of me, I can feel someone’s breath on my neck. My face is resting on something smooth, hard and warm ,I can feel something warm near my face and my arm is over someone’s ripped stomach while their hand is holding my arm in place. The person behind me squeezes me into them and I can feel something by my bottom and its hard …oh god!

“Talon! What the hell man?” I open my eyes quickly and try move away from Talon that’s behind me but that makes me move closer into Tyler’s side, causing Tyler to chuckle and pull me closer into him.

“Babe don’t act like you’ve never felt that before. Obviously Im’ma get a hard one with that sweet ass next to me …” Talon snickers trying to pull me closer to him as I pull closer to Tyler.

“What’s wrong with you? No! I’ve never felt that before THERE and I don’t see Tyler here sporting one and I’m next to him too!” I yell at Talon that’s just smirking me at this point.

“Are you sure about that baby? “ Tyler says from next to me as he flips me on my side pulling my leg over his thigh and pushing his evident hard on into me. “Oh my god, “I didn’t mean for it to come out as a moan, what is wrong with me? I never use to have such a sexual attraction to guys , of course I was interested in them but when they would try to get intimate I would just push them away, but now that all these gorgeous guys are into me I can’t control myself.

“You’re still a virgin aren’t you?” Talon whispers in my ears and I shiver as I feel his lips on my neck and his hand is on my waist going under my shirt. I can’t help but feel tingles in places there shouldn't be. Tyler still has me pulled up close into him with his arousal still hard pushing into me, his one hand is on my hip moving toward my ass.

No way, this isn’t happening….

I freeze for a moment as their hands explore my body, I wiggle under their hold and try to get up but as I lift my body up Talon grabs my waist and throws me down on the bed and puts his big strong body on top of mine, pushing his erection against me and holding me tight in his grasp.

“Baby , we know you want this , we want this and our wolves want it too, “ I look at Talons eyes that are above me and his eyes are darker than before filled with lust, then I look at Tyler who’s face is right next to mine. Tyler nuzzles my neck and takes a deep breathe of my scent as he closes his eyes , when his eyes open they are more darker than Talons. At this point I’m petrified, I should have listened to Jax, they're going to hurt me

“Please stop, I don’t want this please, I have a boyfriend... please. “ I feel the tear that I’ve been holding in escape. I look at both of their lust filled faces that are now changing into one of shock and guilt while their eyes go back to their normal beautiful colours.

“Oh my god Lexi! I’m sorry, “Talon says as he pulls me into a hug so that I’m sitting on his lap,” We weren’t going to hurt you, we promise, we would never hurt you Lex!” Tyler says from behind me as he kisses my cheek and rubs my back.

“Our wolves just took over, there’s something about you Lexi, it drives our wolves crazy with want ,” Talon says as he hands me to Tyler so he can hold me , they just pass me around like I weigh nothing , Tyler whispers in my ear ,”oh Lexi…damn… I’m so sorry …you were so scared …I’m so sorry…Please forgive us love,” I hear Tyler stutter in my ear as he holds me tight and his head is in the crack of my neck. I look over to Talon who is behind Tyler on the edge of the bed with tears in his eyes, that’s when I feel Tyler shudder underneath me...they both were crying. I take Talons hand and hold it and I pull Tyler's face up and look into his face wiping the tears away with my other free hand.

“Guys please don’t cry…its okay, its fine, it was just a mistake right….I’m fine, I forgive both of you just don’t scare me like that again, you guys are supposed to protect me...” I look at both of them then give each of them a hug. Smiles are back on their gorgeous faces.

“So you still want us to be your protectors? Even after what we did? I don’t think Alpha John will let us look after you…” Tyler says as he looks down ashamed.

“Well…I’m not going to tell him about this, and I hope you guys won’t either. I want you guys as my protectors okay… even after this... I still trust you guys. Please let’s keep this between us , i don't want to create drama when i just arrived.” I beg them.

“Thank you so much Lexi!” they both sound relieved, “Let’s get you fed.”

I get changed quickly and use the bathroom then follow them downstairs.

They make me breakfast and stack my plate fill of pancakes with cinnamon and syrup , Tyler makes me hot chocolate since it’s a cold morning and I don’t drink coffee or tea. Johnny comes strolling down the stairs, with ruffled face and pillow lines still etched on his face, obviously just woken up wearing his hoody and long track pants.

“Mornin Angel, you sleep well?” I see Tyler and Talon look at each other and tense next to me when Johnny asks me; he gives me half a hug over the counter and kisses my forehead just like my dad always did. I just met him last night and he’s acting as if he’s my father, the scary thing is I don’t mind and it feels right, comfortable…

The boys beside me relax after I say, “Yeah, thank you so much for letting me stay over, I was exhausted , but it’s already 9 o’clock so I guess i better get going soon since I’m supposed to spend time with my friends today.”

“I wish you didn’t have to leave...” Alex says as she comes down from the stairs and gives me hug as I walk up to her.

“I know Alex, I’ve had such a great time but I need to get back. I will come and visit you guys as often as I can… I promise!” I reply with a smile.

“Yeah you better, we going to miss you Lex ! We put our numbers in your phone if you need anything just let us know,“ the twins give me a hug as Talon tells me this.

“My numbers there too, if you need ANYTHING Angel, you phone me and I’ll be there! “ Johnny whispers in my ear as he gives me his usual big bear hug. Why do they keep calling me Angel? The way they say it, like it’s not a sign of endearment but like that’s my name? Weird…

We say our goodbyes and Alex hugs me and cries again when I let go, like she might lose me again. Damn she’s emotional!

I get in the car as I see Johnny holding Alex in his arms as she weeps into his chest. Why is she so sad that I’m leaving?

As I drive away looking in my rear view mirror, I feel like I’m leaving a piece of my heart behind. I’m so happy I finally found them and that they so easily welcomed me to their family. I’m overwhelmed by all the things I found out in the time I was with them, I nearly forget that I still have to deal with Jax and most probably Drake when I get home. I’m so tired though, I think I’ll go have a sleep before I text them that I’m home. I’m going to need all the energy I can get to face them and keep this secret from them.

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