243. All It Took Was One Look

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Author: Robokitt
Parts: 58, Completed [Editing]
Blue Moon Series: Book One
Main Cast:
Liam Jacobs
Earl Carlisle
Views: 16.3M
My Rate: 10/10


Aiden is your average seventeen year old senior with crazy best friends and a vey supportive family. Aiden is what most people eould like to call a 'closet gay' for his own personal reasons. He's goes through high school being what he knows best, being invisable. But everything changes when his cousin comes to stay while his parents are on some business trip together which could be weeks even months. Now his whole world is turning upside down...Again and the only person that can help him is Liam Jacobs the star quarterback and most popular and most straightest guy in school. Theres NO WAY!
But what Aiden doesn't know is that Liam has a secret and he's trying his best to fight it but how long will that last?

One Stop Yaoi, The First Stop (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now