311. Fire and Ice

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Author: TheWitchAndTheCat
Parts: 41, Completed
Content: Mature
FAI Series: Book One
Main Cast:
Aleksandr Vladimirovich Lebedev
Travis Henderson
Views: 3.18M
My Rate: 10/10


How do fire and ice combine together?

Meet Travis Henderson, sort of new student, blunt to extreme when can't keep on leash his tongue and thoughts, weird, vain and cocky as a cat and afraid of nothing. Well. Almost.

Although with his looks it's very difficult to go by unnoticed, he has to keep a low profile and prefers to have himself and his i-pod as his only companies.

Oh, did I mention he is gay? Proud and loud, he would say.

Travis knows no half measures when it comes to feelings, he feels a fire burning inside him and he has to let it out. Travis has to have the object of his interest no matter what. But fire can really burn and hurt you, even if you are its master. And what happen when you realize what you want is the only thing you are not allowed to have?

Yeah, Travis is like burning and shining ball of fire.

Meet Aleksandr Vladimirovich Lebedev, half Russian and half American, star of the ice hockey team of his school. Being 6'3" tall with a fierce and dangerously annoyed glare makes him one of the most feared guy in school. And he likes to be feared by useless and annoying people, since doesn't appreciate at all to be involved in others' business. Sasha is like the solid and cold ice where he skates on, only his family and his best friends have a place in his icy world. That's all you will ever get from Aleksandr and mind well to not annoy him.
How will it turn out to bump into a costant magnet for problems?

How fire and ice combine together? Will cold ice extinguish the fire or will the burning and unpredictable fire melt the ice?


Parts: 1, Completed
Content: Mature
Views: 35.8K


The one-shot is about Travis and Alexi from "Fire and Ice" and I would advise you to first read the story in case you haven't, or else you will spoil the surprises and reading.

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