Chapter 6: It's A Friend Day I Say

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Caroline felt like she was on top of the world. Tyler had come back and in the past few days they had been talking and kissing and hugging and kissing and... well you know. Tyler had also told her where he had been while he was gone and Caroline had listened him enthusiastically. He had been so many places, most of them which Caroline had never heard of but she didn't mind that. All in all, Caroline was overwhelmigly happy to have him with her again.

Tyler wanted to pamper her by setting some nice up and asked her to leave for a couple of hours. So, while Tyler was planning something for the evening, Caroline decided to dedicate the daytime for her friends. She called both Stefan and Bonnie first, only they didn't answer. She left them both long voice mails and urged them to call her soon. Although she had a feeling that that might take a while.

On midday Caroline stopped by the Grill and was delighted about the fact that Matt was just starting his lunch break. He and Caroline shared a large portion of french fries and talked about this and that. Caroline told him that Tyler was back in town and Matt was thrilled about that his buddy was here. Nevertheless, he started to think about handing off the ownership of the Lockwood Mansion back to Tyler right away.

”Matt, seriously!” Caroline cried out, ”Don't you think that is little unneccesary, do you? It's good that we have some place where we can control which vampires are allowed to come in. You know that the Salvatore Boarding House is sort of an open house for every supernatural being nowadays.” She added in low voice.

”Well, when you put it in that way... I guess you are right.” Matt agreed. He still felt little unease technically possessing the home of his best friend.

Matt's lunch break was over and he went back to work. Caroline headed to the police department to bring her mom lunch which she had forgot in the fridge. As she entered the department she noticed a painting about a snowflake behind the information desk.

”How did that end up here?” Caroline let the words slip out before thinking.

”I bought it from a charity auction during Christmas time.” The receptionist said cheerfully. ”Do you like it? I do and I thought it would look perfect here at the lobby. There should be more paintings here, these white walls are so depressing sometimes.” The receptionist continued babbling.

Caroline payed little attention for her and took a closer look on the painting. She could see the variability of pulls of the paintbrush from gentle to ruff. It made the paintwork look vibrant and full of emotion.

”There's something lonely about it.” She recalled saying to Klaus.

Caroline made a note that this was the first time she payed fully attention to Klaus's artwork. She genuinely liked the exact painting. Caroline could almost imagine Klaus painting it, though she couldn't figure out how his face would look like when he painted.

Caroline struggled. She had decided to dedicate this day to her friends and in a complex way Klaus was also her friend her now. She supposed to pay attention to him too. Caroline straightened herself up and picked her phone. Then she hesitated. What would she say to him? They have not spoken since Graduation. Could she say that she saw his painting and it reminded her of him? That she liked his painting very much? That she saw the cruel loneliness in it? What would he think about that? She didn't want to misslead him to expecting anything. She took a deep breath and dialed his number. It went straight to voicemail.

”Hey, it's me.” Pause. ”Caroline. Hope you're doing fine in New Orleans.” She said brightly and took another pause. She didn't know exactly how to end this phone call. Then she figured out the one certain thing she wanted to say to him right now.

”Thank you.” Caroline said empatichally. For a short moment she thought to add ”I miss you,” but in the end she didn't say it out loud. Only a silent sigh came out to express the thought. Then she hung up.

Well, that was kind a neutral phone call, Caroline complimented herself. She felt positive again and put her phone in her purse. After that Caroline passed the lunchbag to her mom and headed to the Salvatore Boarding House. Elena was next in Caroline's friend-list.

”Maybe I'll be nicer to Damon too.” Caroline chuckled.


Caroline parked her car in front of the Salvatore House. She intended just to stop by, since Tyler was waiting her back in her home. Caroline hurried to the front door and gave a sharp knock-knock-knock to it.

”Well, well, well, isn't it the Vampire Barbie at the doorstep?” Damon said as he opened the door.

Caroline rushed in and nagged: ”Where is Elena? Can I borrow her a while or haven't you got enough time to play with her?” Then Caroline remembered that she promised to be nicer and apologized: ”Sorry, I'll take that last one back. Can I talk to her?”

”None taken. She's in the shower.” Damon blurted a telltale look on his face.

Caroline rolled her eyes and let him know that she did want to hear nothing more about it. Damon vanished for a while, but he was back soon. Damon gave Caroline a pleasant smile and handed her a bloodbag.

”While you're waiting Elena, here, have a snack.”

Caroline took the bloodbag and gave Damon a grateful nod.

Damon grabbed his black leather jacket and was obviously going out. He opened the frontdoor and just before stepping outside, he called out:

”Tell Elena that I went to bring Jeremy some food at the Lake House. And remember, Caroline, be positive!"

Caroline couldn't help but laugh. After she checked the bloodbag, she laught some more. How come that Caroline's personal motto ”Be Positive!” was also her favorite blood type B+? Caroline softened a little, Damon had known her favorite.

”Maybe he isn't that bad,” Caroline thought. ”But I'm totally not going to admit that to him”, she grinned and sucked the cool blood from the bloodbag. It had been days since she had fed but she handled her thirst quite well.

Right then Elena came to downstairs and Caroline told her where he had gone. The she let her know the good news about Tyler. It was good to talk to some of your girl friends. They catched up and Caroline felt they were getting as close as they were before the unfortunate and uncontrolled ”Elena with her humanity switch turned off” -face. Elena fell silent and cleared her throat.

”Caroline, I haven't said I'm sorry for all the horrible things I said or done while my humanity was off. I'm sorry. I was so mad about Katherine...

”Oh, Elena, It's OK. I'm OK. We're Ok.” Caroline cried out and hugged Elena.

”Can you keep a secret? Don't tell anyone yet, ok? Katherine and I had a fight on Gratuation Day. And I sort of killed her.” Elena whispered as fearing someone might have heard her.

”WHAT!?” Caroline was stunned.

”Yeah, I made her mortal. With the Cure. So it is gone for good. I don't know where she is now. She fell unconscious and I just left, as I was so shocked that I actually did it to her.” Elena said. Her compassion side had taken over again, feeling bad for the ex-vampire who had troubled many of lives of her loved ones.

”We seriously have to talk about this, but no I have to keep going home. Tyler is waiting.” Caroline said severely.

”Yeah, you should go. I'll visit the Lake House to see Jeremy and Damon.” Elena confirmed.

”But we WILL discuss about this soon! Tell I said ”Hi” to Jeremy.” Caroline hugged her friend and left the Salvatore House. At home Tyler had made her dinner

”I didn't know that you can cook!” Caroline was amazed.

”I'm a multitalented guy, you know. ” Tyler teased. ”Actually I asked Matt to bring me something from the Grill, I only added some salad dressing and secret spices.” He confessed while Caroline snickered and gave him a big kiss.

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