Chapter 18: The Rainy Day

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They arrived at Klaus's place in minutes. It was a beautiful, 3-story mansion in the French Quarter, restored in it's previous glory. Klaus led Caroline and Elena to the main living room in 2nd floor which was lighted softly and it made all the ornaments glimmer delicately.

”Can I offer you ladies something to drink while we wait my brother?” Klaus asked politely. ”I assume that he'll be here soon.”

”No thanks, I'm good.” Elena declined.

Caroline bit her lower lip. She was a little nervous about being around Klaus. Maybe little alcohol could help to calm her down.

”Yes, please. I think it's a tradition.” Caroline said pointing at all the times when Klaus had offered her a drink. Klaus poured some bourbon for her and as he offered her the glass their fingers touched and Caroline flinched a little. Klaus just grinned her and she quickly took the glass and turned her back at him. ”Shape up yourself and cool off”, Caroline lectured herself. ”What was that all about?”

Elijah showed up in a moment.

”Good evening ladies, Niklaus.” He nodded to each one of them. ” I assume that you wanted to meet me?” Elijah added to Elena.

”Yes.” Elena confirmed. ”Can we talk privately?”

”Of course.” Elijah reassured and led Elena to the small library next to the living room. Elijah gave Klaus a meaningful look as he closed the french doors of the library.

”Now that wasn't any suspicious, was it?” Klaus uttered a laughter to Caroline. ”I wonder what might be so secret?” Klaus pondered out loud and made it clear that it was a question pointed to Caroline.

”Come on, make some excuse up!” Caroline yelled inside her head. ”Um, I think that she just wanted to apologize Elijah about her previous behaviour... I mean when she had her humanity turned off. She's pretty serious in these kind of things.”

”Poor Elena, feeling guilty as always.” Klaus sneered and took a sip of his bourbon. ”Will you join me at the balcony? The view is just to die for.”

Klaus headed to the balcony and Caroline followed him shortly after. Klaus leaned on the railing and so did Caroline. The view sure was stunning, it took Caroline's breath away. The city lights against the dark nighty sky and the lakeside glimmering mysteriously. They stared the scenery in silence.

”So, how you've been?” Caroline asked when she couldn't bear the silence any longer.

”Not that good, actually, but thanks for asking, love.”

”How come?”

Klaus considered a second to pour his heart out to Caroline but his inner complexity made that impossible for him. Instead he just vaguely blurted out: ”I'm having quite a challenging issues right now but I can't do anything about them at this moment.” He looked down and to Caroline it seemed that this thing really bugged him.

Caroline felt sorry for him. Actually, more than that. Before she even realised she had reached her hand towards him and caressed his hair. Klaus startlet, being surprised of this gentle gesture.

”Sorry,” Caroline mumbled and draw her hand back, ”I just... I mean... My mom used to do that when I was little and upset about something. It made me feel like it wasn't that bad after all...” Caroline suddenly felt little shy talking about her childhood. She also wondered why she had acted the way she did. Was it a pity petting or something else?

Klaus was just about to say something when Elijah and Elena appeared to the doorway. The moment was gone.

”Me and Elena are going to take a little walk.” Elijah annouced politely marking that there was no chance of disagreeing about the matter of speaking.

Klaus & Caroline: The Longing Summer (Klaroline FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now