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This is just the prologue.

   The golden trio, the boy who lived Harry Potter, and his two best friends Ronald Weasley, and Hermione Granger. The trio that never failed to get themselves into trouble every single year since they arrived on the train to Hogwarts. From their first year with the Sorcerers Stone, to second year with the Chamber of Secrets, helping Sirius Black escape from Azkaban in third year, to Harry's year with the Goblet of Fire. The tales of their stories are well known.

But unknown to almost all, there was a well hidden fourth hiding in the shadows. A snake among lions if you will, Hermione's twin sister who came with her to Hogwarts, Madison Granger. Though when she was sorted by the hat. Its decision was she was better suited for and should be in Slythrien, rather then with her sister.

    Madison had been bitter about the separation from her sister for months. Especially with the way the pure-bloods treated her. Like she was a stain on the wizarding world. No matter how she proved herself or how hard she worked, how she proved her self in both academics and in the practical use of everything that she learned while she had been going to school at Hogwarts.

   She was never good enough for the pure bloods of the Slythrien house. They all made it perfectly clear with all the sneers and muttered insults calling her 'Mudblood', one of the worst slurs in the wizarding vocabulary. But she kept to herself, ignoring every jab and every insult. Always observant of things around her.

She didn't typically take part in most of the action her sister did. But she helped when she could. Not trusting the three not to get into terrible trouble. It was after Dumbledores death that Madison finally came out of the shadows and finally decided to help more personally. She decided two Granger brains was far better than one, when it came to helping find the horcuxes.

The war had really began to destroy the peace that the wizarding world had known. Blood prejudice, became more pronounced in the ministry. Showing just how far Voldemort reach had gotten. It became scary to even be a half blood. So the four of them had began the hunt for the one thing that could actually kill Voldemort.

But like every plan, something had to go wrong. Snatchers found them in the Forest of Dean dragging them to what she realized was the Malfoy manor. Her stomach sank at the mere sight of the massive manor. She knew what was coming and even unknown to Madison herself today was going to be one of the toughest days of her life. She looked at Hermione, she had to protect her sister and her friends so she non-verbally cast glamours on Hermione and Ron.

   Hermiones bushy hair had suddenly gone black and straightened out. Her eyes turned a a cerulean blue, Ron's red hair had curled up and turned blonde his freckles all disappeared. They looked like completely different people. Hermione had already got to Harry's face with a stinging hex his face was swollen beyond recognition.

    Madison tried to steel herself and her emotions. She knew that if anyone recognized any of them for who they really were it would be even worse then just recognizing one of them.

Madison didn't have enough time to fix her own appearance which she knew was a horrible thing with where they were going. The snatchers lines them up in front of Draco. Her eyes briefly meet his eyes, a silent plea passed her eyes. She knew he got what she was trying to say. 'Protect them.' A look of pain and guilt passed over his face. As he realized what Madison was asking him to do.

      Panicking for just a moment afraid that Draco wouldn't help her, she knew that he was a good person, who was just put into a very bad situation. She was almost positive he would help even if it was in just the tiniest bit.

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