MH │18

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In the previous chapter: Jessica found out that Charlotte also had a thing for Zachery, who indicated an interest in Charlotte. RobertxOriane kicked off. Planning for the annual 'Battle Royale' began.



Jessica Turner had been attending the Diana Mist Schools Foundation for at least the past decade and before that a kindergarten affiliated with the schools. The Diana Mist Schools Foundation didn't only include the Diana Mist College, or what the other students called 'Mystic High'. There was a primary school East of Mistreach. A popular establishment for anyone lucky enough to be sent there. Needless to say, it was also a boarding school.

After her father left her and her mother eleven years ago, as soon as she was old enough, her mother had dumped her at boarding school. She only saw her for a few weeks at a time during the holidays. Even then, they hardly ever talked.

There was one thing that brightened her circumstance. Ever since she attended the Diana Mist Primary School, there was a boy - a few boys, but this one in particular always caught her eye - who had always been there. His name was Zaccaria. Or Zachery. But she knew his friends called him Zach.

She thought that he must be like her! Rejected by her own family! Forced to be sent to a faraway place.

She had tried to get his attention. On the first day though, he haughtily turned his head away. And when she tried again to speak with him, he had some other girls, who coincidentally also fancied him, block her from approaching him.

Therefore, she resorted to admiring him from afar.

Jessica tried to be nice, tried to please everyone: her mother, her friends. And still, she learned the hard way that nothing she did would ever be enough to even get recognition. Just a smile, she had hoped from them all.

No more, she had avowed when she started attending college. If she wanted something, she was going to demand it.

Her mother had finally thawed her ice around her last Spring break. She had taken her on one of the conferences she always disappeared to. Frankly, it was terribly boring. And she told her mother that next time she saw her, they were off to somewhere "fun" - like a holiday!

And with the vow, she had done everything in her power to get his attention the past year. It worked - sort of. And given that she hadn't exactly been a saint the entire time either. Since she started college last year, she had... three boyfriends. They made things a little more interesting for her. And she had hoped that the boyfriends made Zach jealous. The problem was that he was always with someone as well. Like Elle Lowery. And then there were the cheerleaders...

And now...

Charlotte would be in the picture.

She can't believe she had missed it. For goodness' sakes, it was Charlotte! One of her best friends! Granted, they really only clicked when Marian was around. But she had known her for a good five years. She should have seen it coming.

Jessica got ready for classes that Tuesday morning, slowly and taking her time. Nothing unusual happened on Monday, but unfortunately, Charlotte wasn't speaking with her anymore. Neither was Oriane. Marian in the contrary had wanted to speak with her, but only to chastise. She was pretty darn sure she didn't need more lecturing.

All she was doing was acting on what she thought was right in order to get what she wants. Jessica wasn't prepared to let Charlotte take all the glory when she had been the one chasing after Zachery for years now.

When had Charlotte started liking Zachery and why hadn't she taken notice before?

Jessica adjusted the single strap of the shoulder bag she usually carried. It had metal studs all over its black leather material. The strap was made of leather as well, but it had silver stitches running across it. And it was big and strong enough to carry all her books and her little wooden totem. One that her mother said was a traditional South African lucky charm.

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