MH │20

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In the previous chapter: Oriane skipped class to obtain a token pass to investigate the underground. Councillor Goff was now officially Chancellor Goff to Uilliam's chagrin.



The status reports piled on the desk of his office. The one outside of campus in the Enforcers' headquarters.

Despite what he told the teachers, including the now Chancellor, he was still an Enforcer. Tasked to protect the students from a dangerous hazard, but had not been told what the hazard was. Only that he had to investigate it as well.

So that when he came into the employment of the college, he had effectively turned the establishment inside out and found out the existence of the underground repository and a hoard of inactive, thank the lord, explosives. They were all missing a key ingredient, as if the felon intended to build the explosives there.

Not a chance, Uilliam growled to himself. Not on my watch.

He had promptly placed Watchers there to guard the explosives, in case the criminal decided to show up. The Watchers will make quick work of him. If activated with a small amount of gun powder and heat, the entire college would crumble.

Everything would be gone.

He put his head into his open hands and let his rough palms comb the hair to his neck, and back. It was frustrating when he couldn't figure out what was happening. The counselling Chamber had only instructed him of one hazard.

Then how could he connect the border abnormalities with the explosives? While he suspected it be the work of the newly elected Chancellor, it was still giving him a severe migraine and fuelling the fury in his chest.

Bet Chancellor Goff never even opened the last report he had sent him on the subject. Typical politician.

Never mess with the wrath of a god.

The perpetrator would soon face his wrath.

These status reports before him would be handed to the Chamber and then he would have to do better.

A knock on his door jolted him away from his thoughts.

"Yes?" he called out. "Come in."

Gordon came in, tentatively, as if approaching a riled dragon.

Uilliam waited for his closest ally to speak, and when he didn't, he practically snarled, "What is it?"

"The staff and I think you're over-reacting."

His eyes lifted in shock and his anger rose by more than two notches. "Excuse me?"

Gordon nodded solemnly. "We're all aware of the status. We wrote the reports, sir. While it may all be planned, it might just be coincidence. All those little factors, we've plucked it into the machine. It's not probable."

"Machines need often overruled by the conscience," he growled out. "And what do you mean it's not probable? You think it's just coincidence that as soon as the Chancellor came into the picture, suddenly there are explosives in the underground and people start to disappear?" His voice began to raise. "I'm not over-reacting. You were not there looking to Goff's eyes when he spoke to you. You are not me. Don't tell me what or what not to presume."

"Sir. You need to calm–"

He cut him off. "Get out," he said in quiet menace.

As Gordon shut the door, he mused.

His informant had a point. It might all be simple coincidence. All separate.

But for everything, there is an origin. He needed to find the origin before it was too late. Somehow, he could feel as though a ticking clock was ringing loud in his ear. He didn't have enough time.

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