MH │3

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In the previous chapter: Oriane met the Chancellor and sorted out her timetable while Uilliam was eager to meet her. Chapter ends as Oriane and Uilliam met.



Her eyes flitted down onto her folder and forms in her arms. Anything to distract that growing heat in her cheeks.

Oriane blushed awfully easily. It was embarrassing.

He stared at her with an expression of absolute wonder and recognition. That was just about how accurate Oriane could have described it.

But of course, that would make no sense when they have never met before. She would know.

After all, who could forget such beautiful eyes currently locked on to hers?

She took a peek from her long blonde lashes.

His eyes were so dark there didn't seem to be any light in them – or it could likely be the lighting in the corridor.

But nevertheless, Oriane felt like they were familiar. And even though she knew it was madness, she felt she ought to ease the darkness and shine some light in them.

They were framed by the strongest, although not overly high, cheekbones and low arching eyebrows. A strong angular jaw. A tall nose that was perhaps broken once?

His features were far from cute, but rather rigidly handsome. He looked permanently stressed.

He was also extremely well built, no one could possibly call him thin or even lean. He looked huge, especially compared to her own rather small stature. No doubt anyone who had been the object of his stress had not lasted long in any fight.

Oriane's eyes bounced back to his face. He had tightened his gaze on her and seemed to have entirely recovered from his daze.

Eyes wide as a deer caught in headlights, she felt her blush deepen. Probably looking as red as a tomato at that moment.

"Well- I-"

He growled, cutting her off.

He then changed the topic. "I had to see for myself. An elemental with no magicks? It's never been heard of."

Oriane was taken aback. He had said it like it was an insult.

The heat of the moment all forgotten, she felt her own irritation rising.

"Yes, that is right," she trotted. "How fortunate I am not a freak. What is it to you?"

"Your lack of talent will not allow you to survive in this world. I hope you are prepared."

"Well, that is my problem. I appreciate your concern."

"I'm not concerned."

Could someone be any ruder? "Fine," she said in finality.

Oriane kept a frown on her face and walked forward until she was just about to get past him.

He suddenly extended a hand out and stopped her in her tracks.

"My name's Uilliam. I teach Defence here at Diana Mist," he introduced. Now that he wasn't growling, Oriane noticed he had a strange indiscernible accent. Dare she admit she found it attractive? "Let me help you find your way"

"I am fine."

"You probably didn't pay attention when Thomas brought you here. How will you be navigating across to the other side?"

Oriane glared at him. "Maybe I shall ask someone on the way."

"It's another week before the term begins. And anyone on campus would be having lunch."

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