MH │29

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In the previous chapter:  It was Friday. Hannah was taken away by Enforcers. First meeting for the Autumnal Festival commenced. Oriane met Scarlett.



"Is everyone clear on what they're assigned? 'Cause I want to go and have some dinner finally," Scott said to everyone at the table. Arms up above his head, he stretched and grunted aloud.

Robert grinned at him and looked down at Oriane. "That, I think we can all agree to."

She smiled back, but stiffly, and fiddled with the hem of her top.

"Before we all go our separate ways, let's recap." Robert looked down at the notebook that he had taken out of his backpack. He had jotted down the names of everyone and their delegated tasks. "Anna and Shireen, you're both in charge of setting up the stalls and organising the venues. Trix, Nix, and Jim, you're going to help Anna and Shireen. Lannoris," referring to the fae male sitting across the table. "–you're in charge of expenses. Maddox, you and your Werewolves–"

"We prefer the term 'Weres'," Maddox cut in. He was the burliest of the small group, muscles straining against his navy blue tee. It rather reminded her of Uilliam... Urgh. Get out of my head! she inwardly berated herself.

Robert nodded. "Right. You and the rest of the Weres are–"

Maddox cut in again, "–Hosting and organising our people. Yes, we got that."

A smile stayed plastered on Robert's face, but the clenching of his fist indicated that his patience for these werewolves was running thin. "Correct," he said tightly. "And lastly, the vampires are doing the same for your own. Rally them to join in with the festivities and donate so all this can happen. Scott, you're with me on oversight. Now, if there are no questions, we'll meet back here next week."

Everyone murmured their agreement and began to pack their things.

"Anna, want to head to the hall with me?" Robert asked, smiling as he always did. The hand holding thing completely forgotten. No doubt he didn't think much of it.

Oriane sighed and looked over at Shireen. "I'm going back to the dorms first. I want to take a look at some class notes with her. I'll meet you there later?"

He seemed surprised she had so promptly rejected his offer. "Okay. But don't be late! I'm waiting for you."

With a wink, he was gone, catching up to Scott with a serious expression. He probably wanted some time to talk to Scott about Scarlett. She sighed again. Meanwhile, the room gradually cleared out.

"Why the long face?" asked Shireen. Her voice had a distinct high note to it, like she stepped straight out of Disney. It made her sound constantly cheerful.

Trix, Nix, and Jim, on the other hand, were all ready and waiting on her. She still couldn't tell which was Trix and which was Nix. They both looked the same aside from their colour choice.

She shook her head in response. "It's nothing."

"Doesn't look like nothing," she commented as she hurled her own bag over her shoulder. "Trouble in paradise?" She knocked her head towards the door, gesturing at Robert.

"No, no. There's no 'paradise'. We're not... We're not together."

Her eyebrows shot up. "Oh, really? Aw, I didn't know."

Before she said anything in reply, Scarlett had somehow appeared right next to her. What did Carolina call it... Phasing? That was probably the first time she witnessed exactly how frightening this phasing could be. In the next split second, Oriane was pushed against the wall. Scarlett was strong, noted in the muscles cording her arms from all the cheerleading.

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